Chapter 2

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  With Dixie:
   Dixie's POV:As I made my way to Noah's bedroom I was thinking about are make out session we had.I had never really made out with a guy before I mean I had kissed a guy before but it was when I was six! I got in trouble for kissing that boy and grounded for a month. I mean I was six!I didn't know it was really bad but know that I grew older I knew that my parents we just trying to "protect me".I guess that's why I never had friends other than my siblings and my stuff animals.They weren't really friends but my parents said "your siblings are your friends you will ever will need".I really didn't have time to think about my pass but I did have time to think about Noah and I. I was falling for him and I hope he was too I knew that Noah wanted to make a bigger move than make out he wanted to do something else I never had experience before.I mean I wasn't going to die and never do what I want to do with this man.All this think is making me fall In love with Noah...

POV:Noah enter his bedroom with the snacks and Dixie was laying down on his bed on her phone giggling.

Noah:hey I'm back(puts the snacks on the night stand and lays down next to Dixie)
Dixie:(puts her phone up) what did you bring?
Noah:snacks pretty lady (smiles).
Dixie:(giggles and kisses him).
Noah:(kisses back then pulls away)So what movie do you want to see beautiful?
Dixie:I don't know I like cat in the hat but you probably won't like it.
Noah:if you like it I like it either way it's a kids movie.
Dixie:How about we play a game.
Noah:what game?
Dixie:We ask each other question and looser has to jump in the pool.
Noah:How will there be a loser?
Dixie:if you don't answer more than 5 questions you go for a swim.(smiles)
Noah:okay I got this.(grabbing some chips)
Dixie:okay umm... Beck I had you ever slept with a girl before?
Noah:oh so we start with juicy question (giggles)No I had never slept with a girl.
Dixie:Only truths not lies.
Noah:no I'm for real I never had.
Dixie: oh okay your turn (thinks:yes!)
Noah:Ms.D'Amelio would you ever change your last name to beck?
Dixie:(giggles)Yes I would(smiles)
Noah:(smiles big)yes! Enough questions be mine already!(kisses her)
Dixie:you have to ask first.(giggles)
Noah:okay dixie Jane D'Amelio I want you to be mine and call you my girlfriend so will you be my girlfriend?
Dixie:let me think about it......Yes I will be your girlfriend.
Noah:Yes! Now that your mine can we cuddle?
Dixie:yes! I love cuddles well I usually cuddle with my stuff animals.
Noah:it's nothing to be ashamed of I do to.(opens his arms)
Dixie:(lays on his chest)babe?
Noah:yes princess?
Dixie:what will happen to our mafia?
Noah:I don't know we have to do something.
Dixie:We both know that there is people form our mafias that have a relationship with each other.
Noah:yeah we could collaborate and become number 1 strongest mafia in the world.
Dixie:like the sound of that I mean we live in the middles of Italia and Germany so I think were good.(smiles)
Noah:enough of talking about work I want you and me to have time with each other.
Dixie:okay then babe (puts her head next to his neck and kisses it).
Noah:(rubs her back) Do you want to have breakfast tomorrow at a restaurant or here?
Dixie:doesn't matter.(kissing his neck). ⚠️kinda of a smut⚠️
Noah :okay my turn (starts kissing her neck and goes a bit down)
Noah:Are you okay?
Dixie:yeah that's my soft spot I guess
Noah:okay(smirks)(kisses her neck and makes his way to her lips and starts to make out with her)
Dixie:(puts her hand on his under his shirt and runs her finger down his abs)
Noah:(takes his shirt off)easier (kisses her neck and looks up)May I?

Dixie's POV: I was nervous I never done this before so I started to get knew feelings in my stomach like butterflies.As Noah made his way down to my Chest.He takes my shirt off and looks at my body for a second and says how can a woman be so beautiful?I giggled and he. Continued doing what he was doing he was kissing my neck leaving me hickeys and on the top of my boobs .I moaned and grabbed his hair and started to play with it while he was kissing me.Then I felt him sucking my boobs. I moaned Fuck Noah! He just smirked and said my I go further?Yes just do it already babe I said turned on.He smirked and took my spandex off and then my panties then he started to lick my body until he got to my lips.Then that's when I felt something in me I moan and arched my back Fuck!Noah slow I'm new .Okay princess.

Noah's POV:I went slow as she said so she can get comfortable until I heard her say go faster and I did I went a bit faster.Faster! I want to tease her so I keep going to the Same speed.Faster daddy! As I hear her moan loud .okay baby girl I go faster and faster.Right there Noah and moaned loud. As she said that I get harder and then I'm completely in her like completely.Dixie moaned loud. Oh my lord Noah yes! And moaned again. I could see her legs shaking so I hold them down for her and keep doing what I was doing.⚠️smut over⚠️ 2 hours later.

Dixie:(laying on Noah's chest)God that was amazing.
Noah:I know right (kisses her head)
Dixie:I guess your a natural babe.
Noah:I guess I am (smiles).
Dixie:baby I have a meeting tomorrow and I would like you to join.
Noah:what meeting is it?
Dixie:it's a meeting were we ask Blake Gray Question about his mafia and you and me were there when he tried to kill us so we have to integrate him.
Noah:okay I'm in but I'll probably hurt him so don't be surprise.
Dixie:I'll hurt him too so no worries love (kisses him)goodnight baby.
Noah:Goodnight princess

A/n:Please no hate and i hope you like this chapter! 1127 words! Ps. It's 4 in the morning so goodnight loves!

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