Bonus #1

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NP: "Noah!" "Yeah?" I replies holding Elijah. "Where is my phone?" I ask "Eli is watching some videos on it love calm down." (Elijah's nickname is Eli). "Your right I should calm down" she says and sighs. I put Elijah down on his crib and walk over to Dixie. "Talk to me love what's wrong?" I say and rub her cheek. "I'm just a bit stressed thats all" she says and hugs me "do you need a day off? I can take care of Eli if you want." I say

"No you've done so much Noah" she says and looks into my eyes. "Why did you need your phone?" I ask "I wanted it to do something" she says and looks away. "Ok then." I say I know something is wrong with her.

Then I hear a phone ring and we both look and it's a FaceTime and Elijah accidentally answers it. "H-hhhui" Elijah tries to talk. "Hello?" A guys voice says. Dixie grabs the phone and hangs up. "Who was that Dixie?" I ask calmly but inside wanting to scream.

"Nobody love" she says. I just grab Elijah and leave the room. Okay no she is not doing something bad she loves me. I hope so. She is not cheating she fought for us to be together she isn't just going to do that. But who was that guy?

2 hours later Eli has been asleep and I'm just watching Tv. I'm getting kinda thristy and head to the kitchen and Dixie is there. I just open the refrigerator door and look for something to drink ignoring Dixie.

"Noah." She says and I just stay silent. "Noah." She says and grabs my arm. I move my arm away. "What." I say and look into her eyes. "It's not what it seemed like Noah" she says "then who was it?! Dixie we can't you can't be doing this we have a kid!" I say and look away and slam the refrigerator door.

Dixie gets scared and jumps a little bit. "Noah I know we do I'm not doing something that costs us." She says "well until you can stop lying to yourself you can tell me!"I say and start to walk away. "I'm not doing anything wrong it's the opposite I'm trying to change." She says and looks down.

"What do you mean trying to change?" I say "You have everything Dixie" I say. " Not like that Noah I also sometimes need my siblings." She says "If you think I'm doing something wrong I'm not I'm trying to have my siblings back in my life so Elijah can have cousins and Aunts." She says " I would hate to Elijah grow up without friends or family." She says " why? Like I don't mind but you didn't want to?" I say

"Noah I grew up like that no friends and like I had siblings but I would be older and it just wouldn't be the same and I don't want Eli to go threw that I want him to socialize and be happy with friends and family"she says and moves away from me. "Then who was that guy?" "It was griffin he is my brother Noah not my side chick." She says and walks away.

Damit! I should had not acted like that she is mad now. Why would I second doubt her? She loves me. I hear Eli start to cry and I go in the room and Dixie is holding him. "Shh baby" she says and sits down and starts nursing him. He goes quite and grabs on too dixie.

I just stand there watching them. "I'm sorry." I say and walk towards her. "I love you I'm sorry I went ahead of myself" I say and she looks at me and gives me a soft look and gives me a kiss. I kiss her back and Elijah starts to pull onto my shirt.

"Hey mommy is mine aswell not only your" I say and smile and so does Dixie. "There is the beautiful smile." I say and she giggles. She rubs my hair and I put my head on her chest. Then Eli pulls on my hair and tries to move my head away.

"You do know I had her to make you right?"

"Noah! Don't say that" she says and softly slaps me (jokingly) "what?! You enjoyed it and wanted it so shut up." I say "He is a kid Noah" she says and tries to not laugh. "Can we put him to sleep already?" I say "why?" She asks "I would tell you but there is a kid here." I say and she just looks at me

"Okay I'll put him asleep"

      A/n: okay umm.. hi guys it's been a while.... um......yea. Okay all jokes aside
I 'lol probably make another part but this one will be yeah if you know you know. Lol. I'll be making a other story it will be called "My brother's girlfriend" yeah so stay tune now thank you guys for everything love y'all <3

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