Chapter 12

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"Wait what?"I say looking at Noah "you said no" Noah says "no I didn't" I turn around and see Niklaus. Drunk and holding a gun. Noah gets up and grabs me and pushes me behind him. "No dixie you can't marry him I love you." Niklaus says drunk. "Niklaus when are you going to get it I'm not in love with you." I say "well then if your love won't be for me then it won't be for him." He points the gun at me "stop your drunk Niklaus" Noah says. "I'm not your the reason she is in love you are!" "No he isn't! Your just a weirdo I honestly thought you were different!" I say "well I'm not and to your guy's love story here is a little tip not all stories end with a good ending."

Boom a gun shot

I close my eyes but I don't feel pain. I open them and Noah is in the ground bleeding. No no
No no no "Noah Noah! Baby!" I get on the ground and look at him he is knocked out or something cause his eyes are close. "No Noah open your eyes"tears start forming in my eye then I turn and look at Niklaus his eyes on me and his gun in middle of Us I look at it and run towards it so does he but I grab it before him. "Your dead!" He yells and tries to attack me "don't think so" I say in a lower tone and shoot him directly to his head. He is dead. I see Elijah and Kole running toward me "boss what happen?" Kole said. "Niklaus happened Kole! Take his body and leave it on the ocean get rid of it! Elijah call a medic Noah won't die on my watch!" They both nod and do what i say. "Noah I know you can hear me stay with me baby I love you p-lease..." Tears start streaming down my cheeks. "I need you love" my voice cracks and I hear the ambulance. Look up and see them getting out of there stuff and running to me. "Ms please move" The guy from the ambulance says. I move and they start working on Noah "we have a weak Pulse we need him in the hospital now!" A guy says. Soon after the put him inside the ambulance. "Sir can I come?" I say "yes" the guy says I get on and we're off . "Ma'am what's your first name and last name?" He asks "my first name is Dixie and .."
A flashback comes up "Dixie Jane Beck how would that sound?" Noah says "I think I love it" I say "I love it too love I love you Mrs.beck I love you so much I would give my life for you"
I get out of the flash back "and my last name is beck" I say "And your relationship w/the him?" "He is my..." Flashback comes up "Dixie Jane d'amelio will you marry me?" In real time. "He is my fiancé " "well thankfully you were with him he is loosing a lot of blood and alone he would had died by now"he says. Only if he knew that we are leaders of a mafia the reason he got shot was bc of my mafia. We are here in the hospital and they rush Noah to the Er and I loose sight of him. I go and sit down and get my phone out and text Jackson.

When I leave my mark means Everyone in there family is dead and I killed them

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When I leave my mark means Everyone in there family is dead and I killed them. About 5 hours later the doctor comes out. "Beck?" The doctor says. I get up and go up to him "me." I say red puffy eyes red nose. "Your fiancé is a fighter he is alive and he will recover soon" "is he awake?" I ask. "Yes he is weak but alive." He smiles "can I see him?" "Yes follow me" he takes me to a room where Noah lays in with a machine monitoring his heart and more things on him. The doctor leaves and I sit beside Noah and I start tearing up he is asleep.tears start streaming down my cheeks I go up to him and rub his cheek like he always loved me doing it (flashback) "i love when you rub my cheek baby" "I know you do love" he gives me a sweet long kiss "I love you love" he says. (Real time) I rub his cheek and whispers "I'm glad your okay love I love you so much I never ever would want to loose you" he opens his eyes and his eyes and mine meet. "Hi love" he says in a weaken voice. "Hi babe" I say and give him a kiss "are you okay where is Niklaus?" He says his voice rising "babe nothing to worry about he is long gone only thing there is to worry about is you" "no babe are you okay?" "I'm fine love" he grabs something that I can't quite tell what it is. "I didn't get to finish but will you marry me.?" I can hear his weak voice "I would love too love" I give him a Long kiss and then I set my hand so he can put the ring on and he does.

"I love you Dixie Jane beck". "I love you more Noah Timothy beck"

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