Chapter 6 "break up"

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Noah's POV: "what do you mean you don't know Dixie?!" "I don't know! I just don't want to go back" Dixie said while looking back. "The Dixie you are not wanting to be is the one who owns my heart not this Dixie". I sigh and look at her. "I'm sorry were.." I get cut off " okay Were done your single I'm single"she said that while a tear running down her cheek. "Hope it was worth loving me because people that love each other don't leave when the other one while there in pain" Dixie said and called Niklaus. He comes in "yes ma'am?" "Take Noah out of here" Niklaus grabs Noah and pulls him towards the door. "Before you go Noah I want to tell you that this Dixie will make you life hell" "don't do it dixie please" I say begging. "Sorry Noah but I think our peace just got broken goodbye Noah" she nods to Niklaus and i he drags me out the front door. "Sorry sir " he shuts the door. I just Stand there with tears in my eyes why did I break up with her? Know she hates me.....

Dixie' POV: we just broke up.... I cry myself to bed that night and the next night but Ik I told Noah our peace was broken but it wasn't I wasn't going to do that to him deep down I'm still in love with him very but I just have to find myself right now.

POV:it's been a month and Dixie had figure her life out and still misses Noah and one Friday the night before her birthday she goes to a bar....

Dixie's POV: I just finished solving my life problems so I wanted to start fresh so I went to a bar and order a shot I still wanted to drink but I need a small amount for now cause I still don't have Noah. I drink my shot and then hear these to people talking and flirting and then they start kissing then a make out. They were extremely drunk they had tons of bottles in there table. The guy pulled her to his lap then I saw the girl tell him to buy drinks. He turn around to get the drinks then we made eye contact. It was Noah he was making out with a girl I look away and I feel tears forming in my eyes. "Hey here is the bill" the bar tenders said it was 20 dollars I gave him a bill of 100. "Keep the change" then I get out of my chair and see Noah looking at me I storm out and call Niklaus he comes to me quickly. "Yes ma'am?" I just hug him and cry in his arms. Then Noah comes out and says "Dixie I'm..." Niklaus pushes him away so he can't talk to me and he opens my door and I get inside the car and then he shuts the door. He pushes Noah away form the door and says. "Dude she was finally moving on from her pain and you just come and destroy her hope the girl was worth it" he says and gets on the car and drives off..

Niklaus' POV: my boss was really sad and she was crying in the back so I tell the driver to pull over he does as I say and I get out and go to Dixie in the back seat. "May I?" I ask. She nods and I hug her she just sobs in my arms and doesn't stop crying. "Shh is going to be fine ma'am" I say as rubbing her back. Then I get a text from Noah.

Noah's POV: I messed up really bad I don't know what I was doing! I can't just forget about this so easily

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Noah's POV: I messed up really bad I don't know what I was doing! I can't just forget about this so easily. 2 days had passed since that and I hadn't text Dixie yet I hope she can forgive me. But before I was going to text her I get a message from Elijah not the message that I wanted.

 But before I was going to text her I get a message from Elijah not the message that I wanted

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Noah's conversation

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Noah's conversation.

Dixie's POV: I wasn't going to kill Elijah but I killed 4 men and left the other ones alive and hid them. "Elijah Trust me I will not kill you" "then what?" Elijah said "I'm going to watch Noah suffer and see him loose himself" he stays silent. "Come on boys next stop Noah's house but leave 20 men here just in case Niklaus come with me" every one nods and we hit the road. Noah's place was 16 hours away so We left and came to his house the next day. "Okay boys no killing security will stand down cause it's Germany Niklaus you follow me" they nod and we walk up to Noah's house the security guard points there gun at us. "Boys please put them down I have six sniper aiming at your heads so don't make this hard" they put there guns down and I go inside the house and go to Noah's room he was crying and throwing everything everywhere I just open the door and stand there beside Niklaus. "Fuck what did do she didn't deserve that I love her what's wrong with you Noah?" He talks to himself. I cough and just look at him. He turns around and sees me "great now I die." "What? Are you scared?" "No I'm not cause I know I hurt you and I deserve it." "Your right you do but I'm not here to kill you I'm here to tell you that are peace is back on". "Wait what?" Noah says confuse. "Yeah I'm done killing your men I'm done with you too so you can go back making out with girls and do whatever." "Niklaus leave me and Dixie need to talk." Noah says. Klaus makes sure I'm comfortable and I nod and he leaves. "Dixie I can't see other girls"
"Well ig to bad for you" "you don't get what I'm saying I'm still In love with you" Noah says looking down. "Cool I mean what do you want me to say?" "I guess you have seen someone new like Niklaus" mad tone. "Niklaus why him? And if it was he was actually there when I was in pain" "yeah he was" Noah said tearing up "Noah don't cry" I said as grabbing his cheek and wiping his tears. "How am I not suppose to when I broke you?" Noah says crying. " Noah Ik but your still going to be my first ever love" "I want to be your only love Dixie you just don't want me and anymore and I get it you don't."he said as getting. Closer to me "who said I didn't want you?"

Hey loves <3
I want to say thank youuu for all the love
And that the story will get much more better next chapter I
Promise loves now goodnight love y'all.:) 1159 words

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