Chapter 3

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~~Next morning ~~
Dixie's POV: I woke up on Noah's chest i looked over at the time and it was 6:00 am.My meeting was at 12 o'clock so I was fine.I really needed to use the bathroom so I got out of Noah's chest and walked to his bathroom and shut the door behind me. I did my business and open the door but I saw Noah's shirt on the ground and decided to pick it up.I bend down and get until I felt someone behind me I turned around and saw Noah. "Oh hey you scared me". "Sorry dix why are you awake so early?"Noah asked. "I needed to use the restroom" "oh okay um I'm going to shower you can go back and lay on my bed if you want" Noah was so sweet and wanted me to feel comfortable around him it was cute. "Um yeah I just need a cup of water first" "okay good morning by the way".I giggle and give him a kiss "good morning baby". Every time I call him baby he smiles and it's adorable. I get out of the bathroom and put some shorts on and Noah's over size hoodie on and go downstairs to my surprise they were still there."Who are you?" Nessa asked angrily "I'm Dixie and you guys?"
"I'm nessa Noah's g..." "I'm also Noah's girlfriend''I said with a tiny smile making my way to the refrigerator. "I thought Noah told you guys to leave?" "I did what are you guys still doing here?"Noah said.I smirked as Noah said that. "Morning baby"I give him a kiss and smirk at Nessa. Nessa rolls her eyes and is pissed but I really didn't care cause I knew Noah liked me and he is also mine so I didn't even act jealous. "sorry sir but we saw Dixie as she walked out of your room and thought she broke in" Noah's assistant said. "Why would I had broke in if I really I wanted to kill Noah I would had done it another way?" "Like if you were powerful to come and boss this mafia."Nessa said. "I actually am I'm powerful than this mafia" I said as I walked closer to Nessa. "I am the mafia strongest leader i am dixie D'Amelio Germany's mafia leader so I suggest to back off my boyfriend before I take matters to my own hands". " Okay I will sorry" "sorry to bother you guys".Nessa and Noah's assistant left for real. "Baby you do know I had that right?" "You would had chosen violence and it isn't time for that right now".I said that as I was fixing his shirt. "Damit Dixie your driving me crazy!" "I know" I let out a giggle and kiss him. "Do you really like me?"I ask in a baby tone. "Why the question?" "I don't know but answer it". "Ofc I do I'm literally falling in love with you as we talk".I knew he was going to say that but I ask him questions like that to tease him. "I'm falling in love with you too"I was leaning in for a kiss until someone came in. "Boss We have some news". "Elijah what are the news?" "Your party was attacked yesterday by this small mafia they call themselves "The unwanted D'Amelios". As I heard my last name my body froze what? My siblings were going against me? Against my parents and I? "Did you capture them?"noah asked . "We caught one but the others left it's a male he is 5 feet and 9 inches tall. His name is Bryce" Holy crap Bryce?! He isn't even a D'Amelio? He is a hall I have only 2 siblings charil and Griffin.(in this story Griffin is the middle child he is 17). "Okay were is he?"Noah asked . " In the basement sir" "okay I'll be there" "Also some Of the Germany people are there in the basement" "okay thank you". Elijah left and it was me and Noah. "Why the fuck are my siblings attacking Your mafia?!" "I don't know but let's go find out"
"Okay I guess" I sigh thinking what the hell is wrong with them?! We signed peace with Italia I can't let my last name be thrown to the dirt just because of my stupid siblings. We got to the basement and there I saw my men and Noah's and then saw Bryce. " take the blindfold off" Noah said  as he pulled a chair for me and him. His men take the blindfold off and then Noah is making eye contact with Bryce. "Get out of the room"Noah said.My men looked at me to make sure if I was comfortable I nodded at them and they left.

Noah's POV: As the men left I looked at Dixie and nodded at her to talk to him first cause she knew him. She stands up and walks toward Bryce and slaps him "what the hell were you thinking to attack my MAFIA?!" "Hey! What the hell?!"Bryce said. "DON'T WHAT THE HELL ME! WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU THINKING BRYCE? YOU KNOW THE D'AMELIOS CAN'T FIGHT WITH ITALIA'S MAFIA RIGHT?! "I KNOW WE WEREN'T GOING FOR ITALIA WE were going for Germany". As he said that Dixie's face expression change to mad to surprise. "W-What My MAFIA? MY MAFIA?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME I AM THE STRONGEST MAFIA THERE IS YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME! "YOU TOOK ALL THE POWER AND NEVER GAVE US SOME" Bryce said. "SO YOUR "LITTLE MAFI" IS ACTING OUT OF JEALOUSY?! MY PARENTS GAVE ME THIS MAFIA I OWN IT NOT YOU GUYS! IF ITS FOR THE POWER I'M THE OLDEST! So I'll give you one more chance to tell me why would you go against your own friend. Or I will act out of madness like you guys acted out of jealousy!"As she said that I saw her go to a Closet and get a knife and a gun out and reloads the gun. "I will give this chance to tell me what I want to hear don't tell me what I want to hear I will beat IT OUT OF YOU THEN KILL YOU THEN GO FOR MY OWN FUCKING SIBLINGS THAT STABBED ME IN THE BACK!" dixie then sits down and looks at Bryce dead in the eye. "It's my turn to act like a Mafia boss to my own friends/family.............."


Hey loves 🤍
Is Dixie going to kill Bryce? Who knows until chapter 4! They
Will be a lot of drama so be ready love y'all thx for reading! 1116 words!

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