Chapter 10 "tick me off see what happens"

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They are driving to the hotel.
(Dixie' POV)
   Noah and I Were driving to the hotel we were obviously tired so I was having trouble been awake. But I made it I didn't fall asleep and we got to the hotel. "Come on baby were here". Noah said "okay" I get out of the car and get my hand bag because Noah was carrying all the bags. "Baby let me take a bag" "no baby I got it" gosh this man! (😑) "okay bub" We had approached the front desk. By the looks the lady gave Noah I knew I wanted to kill her. "No dixie no killing neither hurting"my angel side said but my other side said something else. "Come on Dixie that's your man! Let her tick you off you'll see what will happen" What was I thinking? I just brushed it off and started to talk. "Hey....reservation for Dixie" I said. "Okay what's his his name?" I knew she was into him and Noah he was just on his phone texting Elijah. "Noah his name is Noah" I give her a fake smile. Bitch she is looking at my man in a really weird way. "Dixie stop acting jealous" my inner self said. Fine I'll stop. "Noah single or not?"the girl asked. I'll say this my mean side got the best of me. "He is taken by me so mine backing off?" Fake smile. "Please I drive guys crazy for me" she said. "Please keep going" my face expression changed so fast . "Tick me off and you'll see what will happen Ms.Abby." I really shot back. Noah heard what I said and grabbed my waist and whispered "baby stop you'll kill her", "so I almost killed my siblings before what makes you think I won't kill her?" I whispered back. It wasn't even what he asked but I just wasn't having it. "Room 268 good bye" "good bye" I give her a smirk and take the card and walk off.

                                Noah' POV
Babe it's fine I know I'm hot but I'm only yours." "No it isn't fine" Dixie rolled her eyes and opened the door. "There now I got some stuff to take care of I'll be back" Dixie said. "No we are here to act like a couple and leave our Mafia life for a while and your here wanting to kill the lady." I said "okay fine if you want to live a normal life for a week okay but when we leave I-.." I kiss her so she would stop talking. She kissed back and put her hands around my neck and then wrapped her legs around my waist. We were kissing like no tomorrow our tongues were exploring each other's mouth. I swear this woman is driving me crazy!. I pull back trying to catch a breath before again smashing my lips again on to her but this time bitting he bottom lip. She giggled making me smile her giggle make me smile I love that about her. She smiles and the whole room lights up. 15 minutes later we stop and pull away. I only wanted to focus on her lips but I didn't and attacked her beautiful neck and left hickeys. "Babe really purple hickeys?" Dixie asked. "Yes now come on let's go to the beach" I said getting my swim shorts. "Okay" dix said and went into the bathroom to change. Couple minutes later she was out of the bathroom. "How do I look?" She asked  she looked Fucking beautiful! "You look amazing baby" I grab her waist and kiss her.
                                               Dixie's outfit

                                               Dixie's outfit

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                                          Noah's outfit

                                          Noah's outfit

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Dixie's POV

"Okay come on!" We head to the beach and I just run towards the water. "Last one is a rotten egg!"  He chased me but I was not trying to get dumped in the water so I ran as fast I could. "Boom I won!" I said and jumped up and down. Noah grabbed me and dumped me in the water.(😑)! "Noah! Timthoy Fucking Beck!" He laughed "yes Dixie Jane Beck?" I wanted to tease (😈) "it's d'amelio not beck!" "Oh really?"he grabs me and takes me to the life guard
Tower and puts me on the ground. And lays on top of me. "Say it" he says "I'm a d'amelio"
"Ugh Dixie I'll make you want to have my last name!"It was night time so nobody was there and no light shined just the moon's light. It was only Noah and I there. "Oh yeah?" I teased him

"shh baby girl I only want to hear your screams saying my name" God Noah is hot using his sexy voice. He started to kiss my neck planting hickeys and bite marks. He made his way to my chest and started to untie the straps that supported my bathing suit. He soon started to suck on my boobs. "Fuck oh fuck" I moaned but my ego was to big that I didn't say Noah's name. "Say my name baby girl say it" "no!" He just smirked and and slowly put to fingers I. Me and started thrusting my part. "Fuckk!" I grabbed onto his hair and softly pulled it and moved it around like if I was massaging it. My moans we're getting loud he wasn't even In me yet. "Look at you so dam wet for me" he slowly started to lick my part. He was thrusting my part that I couldn't hold my moans. "Ugh fuckk!" "Say it" Noah said under his breath. He kept thrusting "daddy fuckk me already"!


"That's what I like to hear!" Noah said and slowly started to put his dick inside me. "Noah faster and I will accept your last name!" I was going to either way but I just added that. He started thrusting into my part. "Uh fuck daddy!" I moaned so loud that I think my family in Germany heard me. Noah was going fast but I decided it's my turn. I turn us over and I'm at top I slowly start riding him. "Fuck baby"He grabs my hips and goes with the movement. "Say you love me Noah." "I fucking love you so much Dixie Jane Beck" He moaned and I kept riding him. "Noah I have to come" "I do too are you taking the pill?" "Fuck that your my forever person" "okay on 3 ready 1...2....3!" We both come inside each other.

I didn't care if I had a baby I love this man.

               Hey loves, sorry for not posting but I'm starting to again I'll try to post often I love you guys sooo much thanks for the votes<3 words 1122 bye now loves!❤️

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