Chapter 15

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Dp: "what are you doing here dad?" I say and move away from the wall. "Real question what were you and Noah doing?" He asked "that isn't your business back to my question what are you doing here?" I say looking at him "you are rude do you even  know what real world is Dixie!" He says "what are you doing here?!" I say loosing my patience. " I came for a deal including both of your guy's mafia." He says "come on fake your death? Or even better kill me?" I say "no give us our mafia back and we will let you guys free and live in the U.S happy without any problems"he says "get out your deal isn't worth it" I say and go close to him "Entering the Mafia there is no way out besides death father."

(Flashback) (3rd person POV)
Monday April 16 2019 a day before Dixie's parents death.....

"Dad! I can't believe you are making me learn this stuff!" Dixie says " you have to learn this Dixie what if we die? You won't have a clue! How to run a mafia!" Marc says. Marc reaches into a small box and hands it to Dixie "what is this?" Dixie asks Marc "it's a pen you can write in when you have the mafia you can write your signature first on a the piece of paper they will have to give you to handle the mafia yourself" Marc says. Dixie's  only been 19 she had no clue why he would want that soon after Dixie would know why Marc was showing her stuff about the mafia. (Next day) "Dixie d'amelio your parents had sadly passed away you'll have to sign this paper to have to be the mafia leader." Bob told Dixie. She signs it with the pen Marc gave her after she signed it bob gave her a note written and Marcs handwriting.
                                           (Lol don't hate on me)

   Soon after Dixie read the note before Dixie could say anything bob killed himself in front of Dixie

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   Soon after Dixie read the note before Dixie could say anything bob killed himself in front of Dixie. Dixie knew this wasn't going to be easy. And she also didn't know why he would give her a pen a stupid pen! Soon after she would know why.

Present time.
DP:"I think you would know that dad." I say I look at his pocket in his jacket it has that pen he gave me! "Why do you have the pen?!" I ask "oh the pen that you took everywhere?The one you signed that contract that I made myself just to give you that pen." He says and pulled it out "That pen looks familiar my father gave me one before his supposedly death." Noah says "I'm guessing Noah you saw Patrick die right? And I'm guessing Dixie saw bob die." My dad says. does he know? No it can't be true... "dad what signature did I use my old one or new one?" I say "your old one Dixie you even dropped tears in the paper." He says That pen! That has a camera! I took that pen every where! "So like said give me the mafia back I think Ik now all your weakness just because this handy pen you technically secretly taught me." He says  "you should think now. Goodbye Dixie" he says and leaves. "What....why? How? Is there so much evil ness in a person that is related to you That is your FATHER!" I say "calm down babe they just said that to ruin our night we can think about that later love." Noah says and calls for Cali and puts her in her cage. "Let's go we can forget for now." I say and we just leave to the getaway place.

3 hours later in the get away place.

"So tomorrow we go to the beach and chill then we go out for dinner?" I say getting in bed "yeah we can take Cali if she wants she loves been in her puppy room we could give her treats and leave her food If she stays but I'll take her w-" I give him a kiss so I could shut him up "I could imagine you with kids been more protective" I say "you don't know that" Noah says "yeah I do"i say "okay but if you give me kids I'll show you." Noah says  "what you want kids now?" I say "yeah but you carry them so you tell me?"noah says  crap he is good "idk I'm 21 and you are 21 we are young." I say "Yeah your right we are young".

3 years later sorry for the jump

Np: "so you and kio are married and hadn't had sex?" I say to Mads "yeah" she and kio says "you guys are weird" Me and Dixie say "at least you guys are married" Dixie says holding our baby. "Okay so you guys say that about are marriage but you guys have a baby boy!" Mads says "baby Elijah is amazing and cute so shh" Dixie says "why did you guys name him Elijah?" "Uhh long story." Dixie and I say.

Flash back a 1 year  after Dixie and Noah's honeymoon

3person: "what is going on Kole?" Noah asked holding Dixie's hand "Your father and her father they are wanting the mafia back and are fighting for it!" Kole says "Where is Elijah?"Dixie asked and the baby kicks. "Ow!" Dixie cries out "baby are you okay did the baby do something?" Noah says "yea I'm fine love" Dixie says and walks into the living room " where is Elijah?" Dixie asks repeatedly. "He said he was going to help with the baby's room." Dixie says "I know baby but he isn't here." Noah says and makes his way to the kitchen. "Hey boss I'm back" Elijah says and walks to the living room "ahh Elijah please go to the living room Dixie needs you." Noah says and gets no respond and he thinks that is weird and goes to the living room and sees Tim  holding a gun towards Dixie " dad what in the world are you doing?" Noah says and drops his stuff "getting your weakness out of the way" Boom boom. Noah runs toward Tim tackles him and grabs the gun and hits him with it and knocks him out "Dixie baby-." Noah thinking it was Dixie who was shot but it wasn't instead It was Elijah. He is laying in the ground in a pool of blood. "Elijah no!" Dixie says "Elijah talk to me don't die on me Elijah" noah says Elijah was shot in his stomach and shoulder and he was feeling numb. "Noah...i-ve been (cough) loyal (cough) to you and Dixie
And baby boy (cough)"  Noah didn't know it was a boy it was today he would know because Elijah would've design the room and surprise them. "Elijah you've always been loyal" Noah says. "I'm going to die and not know the name of that baby I've never had anyone and you guys were my friends like my family all I want is to you (cough) to tell (cough) that baby that uncle Elijah (cough)gave his life for him and his (cough) mother." Elijah says feeling uneasy "I'll name him after you Elijah" Noah says tearing up "take good care Noah and Dixie." Elijah says and smiles and closes his eyes and slowly dies in Noah's hands.

Back to real time
Np: "yeah so baby Elijah wouldn't be hear if Elijah wouldn't had jump in front of Dixie" I say
"Oh Elijah is a hero!" Mads says "yeah but now Elijah Timothy Beck will once carry both of our mafias".

                                                                    THE END




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