Chapter 7 Jealousy

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Noah's POV: I don't know if I was dreaming or something. "Wait what?. Dixie grabbed my cheek. "Yeah who said I didn't want you?" My eyes started to water. "Are you joking? Or am I just hearing thing?" "No it's not a joke Noah but we should start over again and take things slow. I was new in dating and really just went on dating you without knowing the pain that will bring me?". I just hug Dixie and start slightly crying. "I'm r-really so-rry I'm so sorry please forgive I'm truly sorry please Dixie forgive me" I said as hugging her she was hugging back she stayed silent and just rubbed my back as I was crying. "I-I love you dixie and I'm really sorry for what I did"....

Dixie's POV: I was surprised he said I love you . I grab his chin and we are staring at each other's eyes like it the last day on earth. "I love you too" I say softly. I see a huge smile creeping up on Noah's face and soon to mine. "Can you please forgive me? I'm very sorry I broke you"he said looking down. He then looked me in my eyes I could see he was sorry and would take it back if he could. "Yes I will forgive you." I said with a smile. Noah smiled big he then he moved my hair away from my face and grabbed my cheek and slowly kissed me. I kissed back softly.then we both pulled away and leaned our forehead together. Then Niklaus came in. "Ma'am are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah Klaus I'm fine" I said looking at him " go get Elijah and the rest and set them free but bring Elijah here please" I said and gave him a smile. "Yes ma'am." He gave me a smile back and Making eye contact then he leaves.

Noah's POV: did That I just see them flirt? No I must be over reacting he has a girlfriend and Dixie well I hadn't asked her yet cause we broke up then all this happened I hadn't asked her and I really want to ask her already. "So were does this leave us" I say not trying to sound jealous. "I guess we're dating again." Dixie said. "Okay we're dating" I said and smiles trying to hide my jealousy. "Me and Niklaus are nothing serious you know he is just my friend and I'm just his friend there is nothing between us." I knew that Niklaus had a different interest than Dixie. I'm a guy and I can see it when other guys likes a girl. I just sigh "if you say so" I say as walking into my bathroom.

POV : 2 months later noah and Dixie are still dating and had spent a lot of time together. But Niklaus has been flirty with Dixie and Dixie much didn't realize and he would hug her and randomly put his head on her shoulder.
(Ik I said this would get better but I want to make it fun! :) )

Dixie's POV: so I'm heading to Noah's house with Niklaus and we are just talking until I pull up to the drive way I see Noah waiting for me with flowers in his hands and a bag. "Hi baby" I say and kiss him. He kissed back "hey bubba I got you something" he said as hand me flowers. "Thank you baby I love them and most importantly I love you" After I said that we heard a cough it was Niklaus. "Need anything Niklaus?" Noah asked. Niklaus just ignored Noah and looked at Dixie. " ma'am need anything?" " no thank you Niklaus you may leave." "Okay" whispers under his breath "bye beautiful". Then he leaves to park the car.(Dixie didn't hear him but Noah did)We go to his bedroom and cuddle. 15 minutes later I wanted a glass of water so I go downstairs and enter the kitchen I feel someone hugging me from my back and grabs my waist."Noah gosh you scared me". Then I hear a guys voice. "Niklaus wtf are you doing?" I turned around and see Niklaus.and jump and back away from him. "Klaus what the hell?" Noah pushes Klaus. "Why are you touching her?!" "Noah! Stop!" I yell at him. "Stop?! Really Dixie stop?! Your mine no man can touch you like that! And you say stop!?" He storms off. "Klaus what the hell?" "What? We're friends?" "Friends don't do that! I have a boyfriend don't you understand? I don't like you!" "But I was there when you need him" he walks closer to me "just understand I'm better than him I can give you anything." He said getting closer to my face. "Stay the hell away from me Niklaus" I said as I slapped him. "You will never give me what Noah gives me!"
"Sex? I can give you that!". I slap him again " no wrong answer" I slap him again. "Noah makes me feel safe just by hearing his voice. When I'm with you I feel insecure! Elijah!" Elijah comes running inside. "Yes?" "Take him to the basement and beat the living crap out of him if he acts up cut him deep." "Yes ma'am" he grabs him and they leave.

I go up to Noah's room and he is punching the wall I go inside and stand there. "Get out Dixie!" "No you have to listen Noah" "listen what that you protected Niklaus from me yelling at him? He has been flirting with you! Can't you see that?" "Now I do but listen I don-.."  "don't what? Are your going to say oh we're just friends nothing serious?!" " NOAH LET ME FINISH!" Noah looks down. "I don't want you to get in a fight I don't want you to get hurt" as I said that Noah walks closer to me. " I swear Dixie if any other guy touches you or grabs your waist I'm going to kill them! Cause your my property nobody's else."I smile " so when a girl hits on you what am I supposed to do?" "Kill them if needed." Noah says as grabbing my waist. "What about the girl at the bar?" "Don't worry about her I killed her already." " you what?! Noah she didn't do anything." "Yes she did She gave me all those drinks so I could get drunk and sleep with her and I fell for it." He said as looking down. "It's fine now cause were together!" I said with a smile. "Yeah either way we were just yelling at each other." He said grabbing his neck. "I get it you got mad that he touched me but I swear I thought it was you." "Ik cause you said my name so I knew you didn't do anything else with him" "I would never I love you and nobody else." I said and kissed him. He kissed back and we pulled away and lightly smiled at each other. Later that night Noah and me were at dinner we were laughing,talking and then we saw "them" enter the restaurant. Noah and I froze and we both went pale are we seeing a ghost or real people. They where seated next to us they didn't realize that me and Noah were there that they started to talk. "Amy and hedi how's work?" Tim asked.........

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