Chapter 5 "Maybe"

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Before the loud bang
Dixie's POV: As I cuddled with Noah I was lightly crying he heard me cry and was rubbing my back and scratching my hair. "Baby are you okay?" Noah asked.  I stayed silent for a second "I'm just hurt babe really hurt I can't even say what I feel anymore" then we heard the loud bang. "Noah what was that?" "Idk but I'm going to see it" he stand up and went out the door.I followed him and then I saw Elijah was bringing a couch in the room Addison and charil were in. I went inside the room and saw them freeze. "Elijah what are you doing?"Noah asked. "Sir I saw them really scared and uncomfortable for what just happened and decided to make sure they were comfortable bc what that bodyguard did to them" I just giggled "thank you Elijah for being nice to them now leave the room please" I said. "Thank you ma'am"he leaves. "How is the couch girls?" I asked . They stayed silent. "Babe can you ask  for 2 meals for the girls and 2 meals for the guys?" "Yes love" Noah leaves the room.
"Is that a bodyguard your dating?" "No he is Italia's mafia Leader" "oh wow" they were shocked. Then Noah came in "here is bob he well serve your guy's food" "thank you Noah" they both said. As they ate me and Noah were talking I gave him a couple kisses they were needed after they finished they asked me a question. "Dixie do you think you will forgive us?" Chairl asked. "Maybe I will" I said I as leaving the room and going to the basement. Bryce was eating and so was griffin. "Boys this was a fun journey" I say. "What do you mean Dixie?" Griffin asked. "I'll let you guys live but you need to leave this place go back to Germany live your teenage life take Addison and Chairl with you but never ever try me again or I will actually kill you got it?" Both were so happy and tried to hug me but I moved out the way. "Hurry go get out before I change my mind" they go get Addison and Chairl me and Noah  leave the basement. "You did the right thing baby" Noah said. "I know" I giggled and put my hands around Noah's neck. And kiss him he kisses back. Then I heard the coming downstairs
"Ew!" Chairl said. I kiss Noah again "shut up he's my boyfriend" "Ik...well thank you dixie for forgiving us"all of them say. "Don't thank me thank him"I look at Noah. "He is the reason I didn't kill you guys" "thank you Noah!" Chairl and Bryce and griffin and Addison say. "Anytime" Noah says. "Wait Noah why are you dating my sister?" Griffin asks. "I'm in love with your sister she is wonderful and gorgeous I can stare at her and never get bored for how pretty she is"

I blush and smile. "Wow okay' Chairl said "we should head out see you guys later"Addison said. "Addison!" I say as walking towards her. "Yes" Addison says and looks at me. "Take care of yourself old friend" I smiled at her and she did too I hand her a car key. "This is a gift I was meant to give you for your birthday" she smiles and hugs me. I hug back and then look at her "goodbye Addison " "goodbye Dixie" She went back with the others. "Goodbye Dixie" all of them say. "Goodbye" after they walk out and leave. I turned to Noah and hug him and Put my head on his chest. "I wasn't going to kill them" "why?"Noah asked "I need my kids to have and aunt and a uncle either way we won't see them never again" I say to Noah. "You will see them again" . I look at Noah in the eye "Not a-after t-this one" I let go of him and go to his bedroom.

Noah's POV: I didn't know what she meant I needed to find out so I go outside to see her siblings and friends still there. "Hey guys! I need and answer right now!" I say making my way to them "yes Noah?" Addison says. "Will you guys ever see Dixie again?" They all sigh " unfortunately Noah we won't her goodbyes mean forever Noah" Bryce says. "I'm confused"
I ask. "If you guys ever break up she will say goodbye Noah that means bye forever means you hurt her deeply and she doesn't want to go threw it again so she says goodbye to you again" Chairl says. "Oh why tho?" I ask. "When she lost her parents her mother said to her goodbye daughter forever then you can guess she never saw her mom again"Bryce says .
"Oh okay thanks guys bye" I go back inside and go to the my room and see Dixie sleeping her back facing me.She doesn't feel herself right now but I want to fix it and I will I just need to think. I make my way to the bed and lay down I put my hands around her waist and put my head behind her neck and pull her closer to me then I whisper. "You will never have to say goodbye to me love" I whisper and started to fell asleep. 3 hours later dixie wasn't in my arms she wasn't in the room I got up and looked for her and couldn't find her I asked Elijah but he said she left about an hour ago. I felt my heart sink she is sad and just left  I go back to my room and text her. 
                                              My princess 👸 ❤️

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