Chapter 4. I'm the Boss!

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Currently it's 8:00 o'clock in the story

Dixie's POV: I was staring at Bryce dead in the eye. "Bryce why?" I asked. "Listen Dixie if you want to kill me kill me either way it's useless if I tell you." Bryce said in a scared tone. "You were like a brother to me Bryce you hurt me multiple times and I FORGAVE YOU!" "Then forgive me now!" . "No"I said in a cold voice "I will never forgive you after this one"I said as grabbing the knife. "You know what I'm not just going to kill you easily I'm going to torture you how does that sound?"I said with a evil smirk and cut his hand a bit deep. "Dixie?! What's gotten in you?!" Bryce said in a terrify voice. "What's gotten in me?! Please what's gott..."I didn't finish my sentence until my men open the door. "We have 3 of the same mafia ma'am". "Oh yes please sit the down next to Bryce here they can join the fun that Ms.D'AMELIO! Is having with Bryce!" My men put them all three beside Bryce I knew exactly who were they.

Then Elijah comes in "sir do you need anything else?" "No Elijah thank you now leave"
Elijah leaves and it was just us. I go up to Noah and whispers in his ear "baby don't say anything I can deal with them just stay here to stop me if I break down" "yes love I will"
After whispering to Noah I turned to them. "Okay let's see who Ms.D'amelio will like to hurt first. Addison to soft"I take her blindfold off her eyes. "Um griffin he is a lost cause right now" I take his blindfold off. "Chairl my younger sister to weak"I take her blindfold off at this point there staring at me. "Surprise it's me Dixie oh wait you guys knew that! When you guys were trying to kill me and my men in that party!" All of them looked at me as I sat down. "Here is how we are going to do this it's like school tell me the correct answer and you may survive and if you don't your dead. Let's start with Addison what's your claim?!" "You been a bitch!" Addison said proudly. I just laughed "nice one but not good enough"I go up to her and cut her. She kinda screamed but not loud. "What the hell d..." "shhhhh I'M THE BOSS I get to tell you when you can talk Bryce!" I looked at Addison dead in the eye "just to the thought that I consider you to be my best friend makes me want to make me throw up"The I slap her and giggle "now I'll let you guys talk" "Dixie were sorry that we did that we just"griffin didn't even finish the sentence until I cut him off. "Ik you Guys are sorry but you know what I'm sorry for" I said as grabbing the gun. "What?" All of them say . "That I consider you guys family now which one should suffer the most?" I said as pointing the gun at Bryce then griffin then Addison then charil. "Shoot me not them"Bryce said "no shoot me" Addison said "no me"griffin said. I was just tearing up. "The fact that y-you guys will take a bullet for each other and love each other and will never hurt each other makes me want to kill ALL OF YOU GUYS! WHAT ABOUT ME! DIXIE DIXIE! YOU GUYS JUST DECIDED TO COME FOR ME! WHY?! WHY?! CAUSE I HOLDED THE POWER?! I NEVER WANTED TO BECOME LIKE THIS BUT I BECAME ONE! TO PROTECT YOU GUYS AND YOU GUYS DECIDE TO STAB ME IN THE BACK?!" I was full of tears then I turned to Noah "call Elijah and Jack please Noah" he called them and they came to me. "Yes?" They both said. "Take the girls to a room without windows or anything inside of it" "yes ma'am" they both said and grab chairl and Addison. "Dixie don't do this" chairl and Addison said. " don't worry loves this is just the beginning of what you guys were looking for" I said as they left. "Niklaus come here!" I yell for him.

"Yes ma'am" Niklaus said. "Nick please bring a friend of yours  of my men and punch these to a couple times if you don't I will kill you both got it?" "Yes ma'am" he turns around and sees Noah in front of him. "Don't betray us or I will personally kill you myself okay?" "Yes" then he leaves. "What is that guy doing here?!" Griffin ask. "He is my boyfriend now shut your mouth." "Oh your moving on to dating bodyguards?!"Bryce said. "No he is ITALIA'S MAFIA LEADER!" They we're both in shock."yeah so good luck getting beat I'll be back for you guys"

Noah's POV: "should we go dix?" "Yes babe come on I need a shower" Dixie and I get out of the basement and hear a girl scream it was Addison Dixie and I look at each other then Dixie runs to the room that she heard the scream. What we saw was unbelievable we saw a random body guard touch them in uncomfortable spots. Dixie saw that and stormed in the room. "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER?" "Oh I am..." I didn't hesitate and punched him and knock him out.Then dixie pulls out a gun "I'm the only person that can touch them and hurt them dickhead" She shoots him towards his chest he is dead. "ELIJAH!" Dixie yelled. Elijah comes  running. "Yes ma'am?" "Take care of the body then guard this room do not let anyone in if you need a gun use it" "yes ma'am" "Dixie I-  " Ik just don't" she leaves the room to my room. She goes  straight to the shower and showers after she comes out with a t-shirt on and a skirt on. "Baby can you cuddle with me I canceled the meeting" "yes baby come here" noah says. Not long after we heard a loud bang.

                                        Hey loves <3
          Ik I used some vampire diaries names they just popped up in
        my head.Either way Dixie's bad side came out on this chapter
        pls vote and  follow love y'all goodnight btw! 1068 words  

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