Chapter 1: Betrayed By Believing

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They didn't believed her when she told the truth. Most believed the lies that they were told. She fell into a trap, and only few people are willing to help, but those few peolle aren't enough to help her escape the deep trap she fell into. Even the people she thought were her friends betrayed her by believing. But what hurt most is that the person she thought would always stand by her side is now standing against her. Jeon Jungkook, the person she looked up to the most, is now killing her by his ruthless words and merciless actions.

She was raped, but they believed that she cheated behind Jungkook's back. They all thought that she enjoyed, not knowing that she was terrified. Day by day, she gets tortured by everyone. Words after words. Kicks after slaps. She is physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse by everyone. Jungkook is the ace of their school, that's why almost everyone is taking his side.

They are so focused on pitying him that they all forgot about who should they really put their pity on. Elisse Choi, a scholar student and one of the elite students in Ralston Academy, one of South Korea's most prestigious school. She doesn't know who her real parents is, Elisse was told that her parents gave her away as soon as she was born. She was adopted by Choi Dohyun and Choi Eunhee, a married couple who couldn't have their own children.

Highschool started really good for her. It was no where near what it is right now. She met the love of her life, Jeon Jungkook. He became her world, and so did she to him. Their relationship was doing good and strong, not until a certain someone decided to ruin it. She got drugged and got raped. Everything that went down was filmed and was sent to Jungkook. Elisse is seen as the villain by everbody else. Most people didn't bothered acknowledging the fact that she's the victim of the story.

The worst part, Elisse is pregnant, and Jungkook is the baby's father. But he refuses to believe her because of what had happened. He believes that the child is the result of the day she betrayed him. He believes that karma is getting her, that's why she got pregnant at a young age. He believes that Elisse is trying to fool him once again by telling him that the child is his, so she won't be worrying about the expenses and the child's future. Because with Jungkook, the child will be living a very good life.

Her adopted parents believes the truth. And they feel bad for Elisse. She's still young, yet she has so much on her plate. Even if they want to help, they couldn't do much but to be there for her and provide her emotional care. Because one, they don't have the power nor do they have the money. These days, when you don't have power and wealth, some people would just laugh at you, and would took the things you do to fight back as a joke.

Elisse is slowly losing hope. She is slowly losing the will to live. But she can't give up, the innocent child inside her would be involve if she did. The feeling of growing up without your parents around is too much for every child to handle. She knows exactly how awful that feels, and she can't let her child face the same path. If she dies, who will give her child a good life? Jungkook certainly can't.

As of now, Elisse is seven months pregnant, and this is what she's facing...

"You and mommy will go for a very hard day, be strong for me, my love". She said, as she spoke to her unborn daughter.

Every day, when she goes to school, she's aware of what she'll be going through for the whole day, that's why she always talk to her daughter, reminding her to hold on and be strong.

"Two months more, my love. Two months more and you won't be feeling my pain". Tears escape her eyes. Crying is bad for the baby's health, so she immediately wipe her tears away, and forced a smile on her face.

She's wearing a long white dress that reached two inches above her toes, a white flat shoes, and of course beauty, that's the most important look. Even though she's facing a very difficult situation, her face looks flawless, maybe it's the baby's doings, making sure her mom is looking fresh and wonderful during pregnancy.

"Good morning, beautiful!". Her dad, Dohyun, greets.

"Good morning, dad". She hugs him.

"I really like it when you wear white dresses. You look so much like an angel". Dohyun said.

"Thank you, dad! That melted my heart". Elisse replied happily.

Her adoptive parents would always shower her with compliments every single day, and it would boost her energy all the time. To her, other people's opinion doesn't really matter nor does it count, as long as your parents believes you, that's what matters. But sometimes, when it gets too much, you just can't help but feel weak and sad. When judgement crosses the line, you can't help but doubt yourself and maybe even believe it.

"My beautiful daughter is here! Good morning, lovely! How is my granddaughter doing in there?". Her mother, Eunhee, touches her baby bump.

"Your sweet granddaughter had a lot of fun last night, that she made her mommy sleep for three hours only". Elisse smiles.

The family happily ate their breakfast together. Now is time for Elisse to leave her happy place and face hell at school. Before leaving the house, she made sure that she got everything that she needs for the entire day. And that includes her blueberries, she craves for that fruit all the time so she brings a lot with her to school. They don't have a car, so she commute to school everyday.

The moment she arrive infront of the school, students are eyeing her from head to toe. Not because of disgust or hatred, but because they are stunned by how beautiful she looks. Even if the students bully her, they can't deny the fact that she's one of the prettiest student in Ralston Academy. Her pregnancy made her glowing. While walking towards her locker, she saw Jungkook making out again with another girl. He does that every single day with different girls. Elisse doesn't know the reason why, but maybe he's just trying to make her jealous or he is trying to make her realize that she just lost someone like him forever. Ignoring the scene infront of her with a aching heart, she opened her locker and saw a letter. Another letter. Every morning she receives letters from the same person. She knows exactly who the letter is from. It's from the person who ruined her life.

"How is my wifey doing? Is our baby okay?". Jimin asked, as he holds her hand, planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

At this point, she doesn't even bother to argue back anymore. She's tired of pushing him away. He won't listen to her, so why bother? Park Jimin, he's the man who raped her that night. And he thinks that the baby she's carrying is his. Jimin is one of Jungkook's bestfriend, but after what happened, their friendship fell down. And some students blame Elisse for turning the two against each other. I mean, they blame her for everything, even for the littlest things.

"Good". She answered, giving him a forced smile.


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