Chapter 8: Love Is Torture

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Rumours about Elisse are flying everywhere in the school. Left and right assumptions made by the students who knows nothing about what really happened. The news of her going through early labor was heard just the next day it happened. Right now, it's been two weeks since Elisse was last seen in the school.

All students are afraid and didn't had the guts to ask the two closest person to Elisse. Jimin didn't go to school for three days straight after what happened, he wasn't the happiest when he's at school either. While Hwari would avoid every single question people ask her about her best friend.

All of Jungkook's friends are hanging out in a private room of a luxurious club. Everyone is present including Jimin, who was actually forced to come along. Well, he just sit on the couch in silence. He doesn't really much talk nor would he start a conversation unless his friends does. Jimin doesn't plan on getting drunk, especially not when Jungkook is around. Things won't go down pretty good, there's gonna be bad bloody fight if he does.

"We've heard a lot rumours about Elisse". Jin spoke, earning everybody's attention. They're like anticipating for Jimin's answer about the woman.

"But what we hear in the school are obviously just mere lies just so the students can have something to talk about. What really happened to her, Jimin?". Namjoon questioned.

"Whatever happened to Elisse are none of anyone's fucking business". Jimin answered annoyed.

"You don't need to be disrespectful, Jimin. We're just curious and worried about the girl". Hoseok told him.

"As far as I know, all of you hated her for the mistake she didn't even did. What gives all of you the right to be worried? I've seen the stares you gave her. The shoulder bumps. I've heard the awful names you kept on calling her. Now you're telling me everyone's worried? Fucking bullshit". Jimin stood up from the couch and threw the glass on his hand right next to Jungkook's feet.

"Does it gave you flashbacks, you freaking asshole?". Jimin told Jungkook while crushing the glass using his shoes.

"You're fucking ego is bigger than your head that you couldn't set it aside to help a woman going through early labor because of your bullshit". He grabbed Jungkook's collar and pulled him closer to meet his burning eyes.

"You continued walking away despite hearing her loud screams for help. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SLEEP PEACEFULLY AT NIGHT". Jimin yelled at his face.

The guys didn't want a fight to start so they quickly separated the two of them away from each other. Because of Jimin's expected outburst, they all figured out that Jungkook had something to do with what happened with Elisse.

"One day, you're gonna regret every stupidity you did. But you would no longer get a hold of the complicated situation you made yourself. Because by the time you set your huge ego aside, it's gonna be too late. And all that's left for you to do is say sorry and never get a chance to hear that you're forgiven". Jimin told Jungkook, making the other man's heart ache.

"It was nice hanging out with everyone again, but this would definitely be my last if this motherfucker kept on tagging along". Jimin refers to the youngest in their friend group.

When Jimin left the club, all eyes and attention were on Jungkook. They're waiting for his explanation, they wanted to hear his side of the story. But when they saw tears in his eyes, they decided not to push him further. He's also in pain, but just like what Jimin said, he has a huge ego and that's what making the situation more complicated and heartbreaking.

Taehyung place his hand on Jungkook's left shoulder, "They both kept on insisting that the child is yours. If the rumours are just plain rumours and the child is not dead, we'll help you find the baby so you could go see her yourself". He told Jungkook.

"Yeah. Because if the child is really yours, I'm pretty sure that you're going to feel something once you meet her and get a chance to hold her precious little body". Seokjin added.

"If we can't make Jimin tell us where Elisse is, then I know exactly who can". Namjoon said.

"STOP. I'm not going to see a child that's not even mine in the first place, that's just pure waste of time". Jungkook shut everybody up.

"Whether they're both doing good or not, that shouldn't concern any of us". He continued.

"I ended whatever Elisse and I had before for a reason I'm pretty sure all of you are aware of. The two of us can never be the same way we did before. Whatever that ended between the two of us can never start all over again or resume, it's not a game, and it won't be worth the try". He said before drinking the whole bottle of vodka.

"I don't plan on getting hurt twice by Elisse. Because the next time would probably be the end of me". Jungkook added and continued drinking.


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