Chapter 14: Bad Liar

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Jungkook's Point of View
I haven't heard anything true about Elisse ever since I chose to leave her behind and ignore her shouts for help to me. I didn't mean to go that far with her, yet I still found myself walking away that same day. A man full of pride indeed. But I actually came back to help her, I know that she's pregnant, and I know well that my soul won't be at ease after leaving behind a pregnant woman who's struggling and asking for help.

I stopped halfway from the hallway when I heard Percia's voice. I didn't want anyone to know that I care, and I honestly feel stupid for having a mindset like that. After that day, a lot of rumours started flying around about Elisse and how critical her baby's condition is. I started dying internally when I heard those rumours, I found myself not being able to sleep properly because of the guilt I'm feeling.

Elisse didn't show herself at school for months. Students won't shut their mouths about her, and I feel awful for letting them gossip about her like that, yet again I did nothing to stop them from doing so. My friends are all secretly meeting Elisse and her child behind my back, they weren't secretive enough to keep me away from figuring it out.

But during the awful days and sleepless nights that I spent clueless about Elisse's condition that I'm dying to know about, none of the boys spoke a word about the woman whom I used to claim as mine. They didn't bother clearing up the false rumours that's why I did the same even though I absolutely have nothing to shut someone up with.

Percia whom used to cling onto me like a gecko started distancing herself away from me after helping Elisse out. And I wasn't dumb enough to not notice that she's also visiting or seeing Elisse behind my back. But I accidentally overheard one of her phone calls whom I assume is with one of my friends that Elisse successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl, and that she's choosing between the name Jelisse or Haven.

I also overheard that Elisse's daughter has dark ocean blue eyes which managed to catch a lot of attention from the students on every year level. I haven't seen the little girl myself. But just by hearing how a lot of people praises her beauty, the little must really look ethereal to have many people already talking about her from the very first and same day she entered the school along with her mother.

I wanted to believe Elisse, she's my longtime girlfriend after all. But my pride is a lot for me to swallow, I find myself doing the opposite instead. I basically lied when I told Elisse that her eyes no longer affects me. Infact, her teary eyes makes me weak on the knees. But the evidence of her betrayal is too true for me to not believe in.

I didn't want to lay my hands on Elisse. Because I know damn well that even her father never once hurt her in any way, even as a little kid. Dohyun never yelled at his daughter, he always treated Elisse with too much love, care and affection. Yet here I am, a man who's nothing but an ex-lover in her life is raising both his hands and voice on Elisse. I never felt so pathetic in my entire life for all the stupid and unforgivable things I did, yet that still can't stop me from going further and lower on hurting Elisse back the same way she did to my heart.

"The little girl is definitely not yours, bro". I heard Jongin spoke.

"I mean, how could she have blue eyes when both you and Elisse has brown ones. She looks nothing like Jimin either. It seems like Elisse's daughter is not yours or either Jimin's, maybe the baby is another man's daughter". Yixing added his thoughts in.

These days, I often hang out with Jongin and his friends rather than my own friend group. I guess they're all busy being the perfect uncle for Elisse's daughter. When in reality, they shouldn't do that in the first place. It's just pure waste of time and effort.

"Bro, imagine, you and Jimin feuding for nothing". Sehun said, making his other friends laugh as if what he said was really that funny. It was more irritating than hilarious.

"Jimin is a bit stupid for a top student. Just why would he keep on being a father to a child that's not even his?". Xiumin said.

"What is he even trying to prove? That he's a better man than everybody else because he's out there committing himself on a family that's not even officially his to call mine? That's pretty fucked up". Chanyeol spoke.

"What a stupid move". Suho added.

"He's studying at the most prestigious school in South Korea. Yet the education they give here is still not enough to make him realize that he shouldn't try too damn hard on involving himself in a situation or a problem he shouldn't be included in the first place". Chen said.

"What do you think about the whole thing, Jeon?". Yixing asked me.

"Elisse is not the biological child of her parents. She's just adopted. There's a high chance that little girl must've gotten her eye color from her mother's legitimate parents". I said without thinking twice.

When I turned to face everybody and saw the shocked look plastered on their faces. I knew I fucked up that moment. I clearly forgot that nobody knows that Elisse is an adopted child, except for me whom she trusted with that secret. Yet here am I.

"Shit". I heard Yixing said. After a few seconds, all of his friends started laughing like maniacs.

"I'll taunt the soul of her on this new information". Sehun spoke.

"I'm finally getting my payback. She taunted me before, saying that my parents only cared about making more money and not really serious about me. Yet here she is, thrown away by her real parents like the shit she is for somebody to taken care of". Chanyeol added.

"Let's go". Jongin said, as they all stand up to head towards Elisse and the group of friends she's with.

The next thing I knew, I'm holding Jongin's wrist, making him stop on his tracks and turn around to face me.

"Jeon?". He questioned my grip on him.

"Don't tell me you still care for that woman". Jongin straight up told me.

"Of course not, Kim. You can fuck her in-front me and I won't give a damn about that". With that, I let go of his wrist.

I'm too afraid to admit that I still care for the same woman that destroyed me. Just what would everybody think, you know? I watch as Jongin and his other friends walk away from me. I couldn't do the shit I'm supposed to. Although Elisse and I are already over, I believe that I shouldn't go around telling people the secrets she trusted me with. Yet I did exactly the opposite.

"Such a bad liar. It's not like you won't get a boner by watching somebody else fuck your most loved woman". I heard somebody from behind said.


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