Chapter 17: There For You

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The next day, Elisse forced herself to stand up from the bed, her obligations as Haven's mother wouldn't allow herself to sleep the day away. Although doing nothing and not going out of her room is what she wanted tp currently do because of her state, she found herself unable to do any because of her responsibilities.

She woke up a bit earlier than she usually does because of Haven's loud cries. The little girl is so fond of Jimin that whenever she misses his presence, Haven would cry and Elisse couldn't do anything to calm her down than to let her meet Jimin. While carrying her daughter, Elisse glance at the clock hanging on the wall, it's three in the morning. Still too early to bother Jimin about things that's obviously aren't any of his concern.

She immediately got both of themselves dressed cozy before leaving the house for a refreshing walk outside. The mother daughter duo often goes for a beach walk, maybe because of how calming the beach is during the earliest morning. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore, birds chirping, and the silence of the town brings both of them relaxation.

Elisse place down the red blanket on the sand and laid down her grumpy daughter. She sat down beside Haven, just to start patting her back for additional comfort. Even though the little girl already stopped crying, sadness is still visible in her eyes. The mother is clueless, she doesn't know what her daughter is missing.

"We can't always call Jimin at the earliest morning, sweetheart. He's not your dada, you're not his responsibility, he's just too nice that's why he's there". She told her daughter while caressing her face.

Elisse pities her daughter the way she pities herself. If it wasn't for Dohyun and Eunhee, her biological mother would probably just throw her away on the streets inside a box. On the other hand, Haven doesn't have her biological father in her life, simply because he doesn't want to, Jungkook wouldn't allow himself to be in his daughter's life.

As a mother, witnessing her daughter being rejected or refused by her own father is like stabbing her in the heart. It hurts her to see Haven getting treated in such way, when she clearly deserve none of those. Yet here she is, unable to do anything because she couldn't change Jungkook's way of seeing their child. Her attention was too focus on her child that she didn't notice someone approaching her from behind.

"What are you doing here?". Elisse's eyes immediately enlarge, she knows well who owns that voice.

"My daughter needed peace". She answered without bothering to turn around to face the man behind her.

Jungkook. The man that approached her was the same man that told her to get lost. He walked in-front of her and sat down on the blanket by himself. His eyes were on the little girl, whom he has a lot of similarities with as a little kid. Haven's face is the perfect mixture of Elisse and Jungkook's feature, the resemblance it too obvious to not be noticed by anyone.

"What's her name?". Jungkook asked without looking away from the baby.

"Haven Jelisse". She shortly answered his question, Elisse didn't want to let him hear the surname she gave their daughter. After all, Jungkook is often too hard to understand, she didn't want drama around this time.

"Can I hold her?". This time, he asked while looking deep into her eyes. He had done a lot of stupid and tortured Elisse's heart in many ways, so hearing her agree sounded quite a bit impossible for Jungkook.

"Would you want to hold her?". Elisse answered his question with another question.

"Let me set things straight with you about my daughter, I don't want you to do anything with Haven, if the next thing you'd do is regret your actions and say that it meant nothing to you". She told Jungkook.

"Because a simple touch can leave her wanting for more. So if you can't provide her love, please just walk away from her right now while it's still early". Elisse added, unaware about the fact that she's stabbing Jungkook's heart using her words.

"If you're having a hard time trusting my words, we can do a paternity test, only if that's what you want". She said.

"I know a doctor, I hope you'd come with me". Jungkook spoke


It's been two days since Jungkook did a paternity test with Elisse's daughter. He also secretly did another one at a different hospital just so he'd be sure. A few days ago, Jungkook had a talk with his parents. They've just arrived from a business meeting in separate countries. He opened about everything, without leaving any parts of what happened behind. Jungkook didn't even leave out the parts that he was at fault while talking.

His mother and father were definitely dissapointed of how Jungkook reacted. They didn't liked the way he handled the situation. They hated how he believed everybody but the woman he spent years with. Jeon Jeorin and Jeon Sewon, they both know who Choi Elisse is in their son's life. They met and spent numerous times with the young lady on various occasions. Jungkook's parents even considered Elisse as part of their family.

They were the one that convinced Jungkook to try sorting things out with Elisse in a calm way, rather than humiliating her in-front of everybody to see. After knowing what Jungkook had done to Elisse, he earned a good slap from his mother. Sewon was indeed too dissapointed by how her son chose to handle everything, simply because she didn't thought that he'd be like that.

"You would really have a hard time earning her parents' trust again, Jungkook. If only you chose to handle the situation maturely instead of acting out, things would probably be a bit more better than what it is right now". Sewon told her son.

She had been scolding Jungkook nonstop. The mother wanted to slap reality into her son's face. She wanted him to realize and regret everything that he had done wrong. After all, the poor Elisse was never the one at fault. She got betrayed and was played by the people around her.

"Son, I just want you to know that if I had a daughter and the shit you've done to Elisse was done to her, I would punch every man involved on the face". Jeorin told his son, making Jungkook more nervous than he already does.

"I'm quite impress by how her father managed to control and prevent himself from punching you. You've put his daughter through hell, Jungkook. But I guess you would never understand unless you get a daughter of your own". Jungkook's father added.

"If the little girl is really your daughter, what are your plans?". Sewon asked his son before taking the results in her hands.

"I don't have any specific plans yet, Mom. But one thing's for sure, I'm gonna be there for her". Jungkook answered his mother's question.


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