Chapter 3: To Be Loved, Not To Be Hate

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Elisse's Point of View
What did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment? All I wanted was to be loved, why am I receiving hate? I couldn't stop myself from crying. Everything that's happening is too much for me to handle. I could feel myself slowly giving up.

All I wanted to be alone, and Jimin offered me to stay inside his room, so I accepted it. In our school, if you're rich enough, you can buy yourself a room to stay in. Almost as if you're home. Jimin is not here with me, as I requested to be alone. I'm sitting on his couch, crying while eating blueberries.

Suddenly, I felt my daughter kicking, "I'm sorry, baby. Mommy is not strong enough to hold her tears". I spoke to my unborn daughter.

I didn't stop from crying, so did she from kicking. "Okay, you win. Mommy will stop crying now". I wipe away my tears, while gently rubbing my baby bump with my other hand.

I heard the door opening and closing, it must be Jimin. "I know you wanted to be alone, so I told the teachers that you won't be able to attend their classes because our baby girl is causing you some troubles. And they all agreed". He said.

"Jimin". I called out for him.

As if he knew what I was about to say, he replied, "I know. I'm not the father". He said with a sad tone.

He walk towards me, and sat beside me. "I want to take this moment as an opportunity to explain everything that went down that night". He said.

"Please, hear me out". I nodded as an agreement.

"Before Jungkook, I was the first one to like you. The moment I saw you, all I wanted was to be loved by you. Everytime I see you, I become so happy that I feel like my heart will pop out of my chest. I couldn't stop talking about you. When I mentioned you to Jungkook, he started approaching you. Something I couldn't do back then, because I didn't have the guts to approach you. He started making a move. After that, you felt the same. Then, it became official".

"I was so mad and dissapointed at Jungkook. He knew that I like you. And he knew that I was planning to make you mine. Yet, he still made a move as if he knew nothing about my feelings towards you".

"I couldn't talk about how I feel to my friends, because all they do is take Jungkook's side. So one day, I went to a club, got myself drunk, and eventually met Kim Jongin there. I told him how I feel about the whole situation with you and Jungkook being together".

"He told me not to worry, and that he'll help me. The next night, he gave me two drinks. One for you, one for me. I wasn't the one who spiked your drink, Jongin was the one who did it. And he didn't just drugged you, but also me. That night, the both of us weren't thinking straight. I wasn't even aware that they were filming everything that happened".

Jimin kneel down, "I'm sorry for ruining your life, Elisse. If I didn't told Jongin anything, none of this would've happen". Tears started to escape his eyes. He looks very sincere.

"I'm doing all my best to remember everything that happened that night. I am trying to gather enough evidence to punish him for what he did, to make him suffer the consequences of ruining our lives". He said.

I held his shoulders, helping him to stand up. I immediately gave him a hug, and he hugged me back. "I knew that you wouldn't do such thing. You're just not the type of person to do something so cruel like that". I said.

"Why did you told me this just now?". I asked him.

"I don't remember much, Celiné. I am currently seeing a psychiatrist to help me remember what really happened that night". He answered.


It is now lunchtime. Jimin didn't allowed Elisse to go out, he wanted her to stay and be at peace. No more interaction with toxic people for today. Elisse also found out that her bestfriend, Hwari, went back home because they have an emergency at their house. That's why she listened to Jimin, since she doesn't have anyone to be with since her bestfriend is not around.

Suddenly, she remember those days when the situation was good and normal. She remembers her happy days. Her happy days with him. With Jeon Jungkook.

How wish she could still live a life like that with him. But things didn't turn out as she thought. Both Jimin and her were seen by everybody else as the bad one in the story, even though they are victims themselves.

Elisse is not actually a Choi. She isn't related to them by blood. But her mother, Eunhee, is very open to her about her biological mother. Except for her name and whereabouts, Eunhee was asked to not tell Elisse anything so she wanted to respect that. Elisse's biological mother gave birth to her at a young age too, she couldn't take care of her physically and financially because she's busy with her life too that's why she ended up giving Elisse to Eunhee after successfully giving to her.

And that's someone Elisse doesn't want to be like. It doesn't matter how poor they are, as long as they're together that's what counts. She hates her biological mother for not being strong enough. She hates her for giving her away like she didn't matter at all. And that's why she wanted to do the opposite of what her mother did. Elisse will take full responsibility of her child, even without Jungkook by her side. She'll never give up on her daughter.


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