11- Same person

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'thoughts of another person'




Soobin hyung tried having a conversation with Yeonjun hyung but he is new to that so it turned into a annoying situation like what Choi Yeonjun used to do to him but Yeonjun hyung just ignored him. He didn't talk and walk away to eat his food.

I went to Yeonjun hyung while Hyun and Kai went to Soobin hyung.

"Hyung you okay?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

"Yeah...." was all that came from Yeonjun hyung.

"Don't mind him hyung. Soobin hyung was just trying to have a conversation with you which he is new with. Other people were the ones who tries to have a conversation with him not the other way around so he doesn't know how to start a conversation. Which resulted to this." I explained to Yeonjun hyung who keeps eating cookies we packed. He just nodded.

I want to know what he thinks so...

'I understand.....since Daniel was the same. ' he thought.

In what? How are they even the same? I mean

I shrugged it since it could be just a stupid situation again and tried to bring back his smile again.

"Let me tell you this hyung. Soobin hyung will apologize and when he did. Tell him that if he do it again, you will take and eat all the bread and not leave any for him. I'm sure that will make him stop." I said grinning as the thought of Soobin hyung's reaction. Which made us laugh at the thought.

"HAHAHAHAHA yeah I'll do that!" Yeonjun hyung said and a few more laughs that turned to giggles.

After that, Kai and Soobin hyung came and Soobin hyung apologized. I saw Taehyun alone so I went to him. His eyes were close, is he asleep.

"Good job." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear. Just to see if he is asleep. He opened his eyes. Which is....you know...

"You too." He said and I sat down next to him.

"Beomgyu hyung what's with your eyes?" Is there something wrong with my eyes? I didn't answer so he continued.

"You look like you want to say something but I don't know what." Oh my glab! Was I giving him those eyes?! Fuck! BEOMGYU STOP! Wait reply first!

"I like the strawberries behind you! YEONJUN HYUNG! LET'S GO NOW!" I shouted and run to Yeonjun hyung.

BEOMGYU! There's no strawberries behind him!

Sooo......yeah things happened and now.

We arrive at our destination for the ship and found no ship. Then we met Amber noona which Yeonjun hyung know.


At the corner of my eye. I saw Taehyun shaking. He was also shaking that time at the tower, market and the Jeon's.

Finding the Ending ~ YeonBin + TaeGyu +KaiTiesWhere stories live. Discover now