12- 3 years ago

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FoLicaNyCafe is now

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Emoji of the day




I don't know why but from before I didn't want to leave Beomgyu hyung's side. I want to feel his touch and warmth. Might be because of the cold.

It also looks like I have a disease. My heart beats fast and I feel something on my stomach. Is there a worm inside?!

I'll check later.

For now....


"Sweet?" We turned around at the voice.

The person has hair, tall and face. He also has clothes.

He looks sweet but I felt that feeling from my childhood. He is scary.

Beomgyu hyung hold my hand again and I told him that we should leave but before that.

"My sweet! I missed you! Sweet! Where were you?! I was looking for you for 3 years! Sweet please talk to me!" The person suddenly hugged Yeonjun hyung while calling him sweet.

Yeonjun hyung is definitely uncomfortable. I need to go to him but Soobin hyung went already which is a relief.

"Let go of him." Soobin hyung said and hold the person's hand. His tone was like the tone he used when we saw the scene at Yeonjun hyung's house.

"Who are you to tell me that?" The person turned his attention to Soobin hyung.

They both have the same height so their stare was intense.

"I'am Yeonjun hyung's friend and I definitely see that he is uncomfortable with you. So let go." Soobin hyung used his strength and forced the person let go.

"YOU ARE JUST A FRIEND! I'M HIS-" The person was cut by another voice.

Yah! You don't need to fucking shout!

"SANHA!" Two people then came and the first person pulled this Sanha at his collar.

"Didn't we told you to stay away from Yeonjun!!" The person who got Sanha by collar said.

"Yeonie, hey. Hey. Look at me." The other person said as he try Yeonjun hyung to look at him.

Who are this people? But they don't feel like the Sanha so I calmed down.

"Lixie? Lixie....he....he." Yeonjun hyung whispered.

"Shhh...it's okay. Don't think about it. It's oka- YEONIE! PINNY HELP ME!" Yeonjun hyung suddenly fainted but got caught by Lixie person.

"Hyung!" We all went to him while Pinny person made that Sanha go away then went to us.

"Lets go to the house." Pinny person said and tried to lift Yeonjun hyung but Soobin hyung stopped him.

"Let me." He said and carried Yeonjun hyung in his arms. We runned and we followed them.

I helped Soobin hyung from keeping Yeonjun hyung stable on his arms so that he won't fall while me and Huening Kai dragged Beomgyu hyung.

Finding the Ending ~ YeonBin + TaeGyu +KaiTiesWhere stories live. Discover now