A Future

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"Pony? We need to talk."

Hannah's comment was met with a series of curious looks and questions. Ponyboy ignored them but shot Dallas a strange look as the greaser glared at him.

Dallas's teeth ground together as his hand rested on Sylvia's waist. The gang stared at each other questionably, why would Dally bring Sylvia to the house? What are Hannah and Ponyboy talking about?

Hannah and Ponyboy were nearly in his bedroom when Darry's voice called out. "You know the rules buddy, keep your door open."

Pony smiled as he pushed his textbooks out of the way on the bed he and Sodapop shared. Hannah sat down next to him and began to fiddle with her fingers. Her heart pounded in her chest, she was certain Ponyboy could hear.

"So, uh...What do we need to talk about," he asked her cautiously. Hannah only took a breath, trying to steady her heart rate.

Come on Hannah, just rip off the bandaid.

"I think I might be pregnant."

"What the hell?"

The colour in Ponyboy's face faded to almost green as he stared up at his eldest brother. Darry reached for his brother and pulled him to his feet before dragging him down the hall, all while yelling for Hannah's brother.

This is gonna be fun.

Sylvia's hands rested gently on her shoulders as Darry and Dallas yelled back and forth. The gang stood beside Darry, Sodapop right next to him. Pony and Johhny talked quietly behind the two.

"We don't even know if she is pregnant, the nurses said it would take time for the test to be ready," Dallas said, his voice growing louder. "How could you even let this happen? I thought you were the responsible one!"

"The way I see it," Two-Bit cut in, "we left two horny teenagers in a house alone. So really, it's all our faults."

"If you ever use the word "horny" to describe my sister again, your head is going through a fucking window."

Two-Bit's joking provided a slight break in the tension. Unfortunately, it gave Darry enough time to come up with his counterargument.

"I am the responsible one, Dallas. And that's why Pony never got into trouble like this until he started hanging around with your sister."

The room got awfully quiet, Sylvia's grip on Hannah's shoulders tightened. "Now what is that supposed to mean," she spat.

Darry sighed. "I'm talking about school and work, don't try and make me the bad guy. Ponyboy has a shot at going to college someday, maybe even university. How is he gonna do that if he has a child? One little factor could ruin his entire future."

His words sounded like nails on a chalkboard as Hannah pushed herself away from Sylvia and stepped forwards to stand beside her brother.

"Who gives a shit about Ponyboy when I'm the one who might be pregnant? All Pony has to say is that the kid isn't his, and no one bats an eye! I'm the one who's gonna get sick, I'm the one who has to go to the appointments, y'know, the ones I can't even afford? Pony is the one who knocked me up, that's where it ends. No matter what, I'm not having a kid."

What about my future?

Soda scratched the back of his neck nervously while Darry pinched the bridge of his nose. For the first time, Steve spoke up from his place beside Two-Bit. "What do you mean you aren't havin' a kid?  Isn't it a little late for that?"

"I'll get an abortion."

Sodapop gasped loudly, a pained look in his eye. "Hannah, you can't, it's illegal."

Dallas scoffed as he rubbed his hands back and forth over his jeans. "Legality isn't the main concern here, man."

Sylvia's comforting hand was back on Hannah's shoulder as she chewed on her lip. Her blunt comment left a few of the gang speechless, especially Soda.

"Would you really want an abortion? You'd be alright with killin' a baby?"

"I either kill the baby or myself, Sodapop," Hannah snapped viciously. "I'm not having a kid."

"It isn't a baby," came Johhny's soft voice. "It's just a few cells, they might not even become anything at all."

Quiet murmurs filled the house as Two-Bit took a step forward and stood next to Hannah.

"Y'know what, fuck kids. Who really needs 'em, anyways? What I think Hannah needs, fellas, is support."

Two-Bit's hand dropped to her shoulder as he shot her a wink. Dallas wouldn't admit it, but he was glad he didn't have to go against the entire gang. His relief only grew when Johnny took a timid step forwards. He shakes his bangs out of his eyes lone enough for them to lock with Hannah's.

"Thank you," she mouths.

Darry sighs loudly while Ponyboy and Soda shuffle on their feet awkwardly. "I'm not tryna seem like the bad guy here, I'm just worried about my brother."

"And I'm worried about my sister, Dar. We're kinda in the same fucking boat," Dallas groans.

"And exactly how are we in the same boat here, Dallas? I'm tryna keep Pony in school so that he can get a job, and maybe even a chance to get out of Tulsa. I'm working two jobs to keep the house and my brothers. What is it exactly that you do? Because all you two ever do is get into stupid fights. Then you get arrested, and expect a fifteen year old to pay your bail! I'm tryna to raise Ponyboy to be better than I am, all you seem to do is make Hannah the same as you."

"That isn't working out real well, it is, Dallas?"

"Darry, relax. Just take a breath or-" Pony's attempt to calm his brother fell on deaf ears.

"I mean, she nearly died within a week of being here! And whose fault was that?"

Dallas's lips curled into a dark smile as the rest of the gang looked between the two worriedly.

"At least I never hit her."

Darry ushered the gang out of the house quickly. Steve, Two-Bit and Johnny immediately took to the streets, but Hannah stayed in front of the door, frantically calling to Ponyboy while Dallas and Darry continued to yell.

"I'll call you, okay?"

Pony nodded quickly from behind his eldest brother. Darry shook his head slowly before slamming the door in their faces.

"No you won't."

please except this angst in exchange for some feedback. Let me know what you think!

I will be doing a prt.3 because angry/mean Darry kinda makes me sad.

Have a lovely morning, noon, and night my lovelies <3

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