Not Like You

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Dallas had a foolproof plan to never become like his father.

Can't be like Charlie if you never have kids.

But that changed after Tony attacked Hannah.

Dallas didn't like his little sister seeing him so drunk he said things he didn't mean. He didn't want her to be around him when he was that drunk.

But Hannah wasn't going anywhere. Dallas swore he'd never leave again, and he meant it.

So he made a deal with Buck to cut him off after four drinks if Hannah was at the bar. Buck kept his promise, sometimes this pissed Dallas off to no end. 

When the feelings got too much to handle, and he wanted to get too drunk to remember, he'd take off and head to the liquor store. It was a pricey fix, but it worked.

Sometimes, Dallas imagines how differently that night would've gone.

Sometimes he's sober, and Hannah doesn't nearly die in his arms.

Sometimes it's worse, and he doesn't find her until it's too late.

Dallas had a plan to never become like his father.

Can't be like Charlie if you never have kids.

But now here he was, raising Hannah all over again, and something had to go.

Either his sister or his horrible coping mechanism.

The choice wasn't that hard.

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