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-the following match is purely fictional, those events didn't take place for real-

>The worst thing about you clearly is that I am falling for you over and over again.<



💎Helen's POV💎

I lift my gaze from the map up to look at my best friend Lauren Steg who steps from one foot to the other excitedly.

"Where is our hotel?" she asks, pointing to the map in my hands.

I shrug my shoulders as I continue searching for the place we have to go to.

Lauren's idea to stop by in several big cities before starting with the second semester of our studies this year was great to be honest. We've already seen the city of Frankfurt, the Kölner Dom and Stuttgart's brightness at night.

"We could eat something for lunch first, there is a McDonalds near this place" I suggest and earn a nod by Lauren.

"I've heard about this Big Tasty in the commercial last week and it looked simply amazing!"

Lauren follows after me as we cross the streets of Dortmund, the happy chatter and smell of the upcoming summer filling the air.

Everywhere you would see the colours black and yellow; signs, shops, peoples' clothes.

"What are all these black and yellow things about?" I laugh and glance at Lauren whose face suddenly drops.

"It's because of the local football club, they are pretty successful and the city is proud of 'their boys' " she explains and nervously brushes back a strand of her hair.

"Are you alright Lauren?" I ask, slowly getting the feeling that something is going entirely wrong.

"Of course, where's the McDonalds, I am starving!"

I grin at my best friend and shake my head jokingly.

"Let's go"

Lots of people; young and old, male and female; cross our way, all dressed in the same yellow jersey with the black stripes on the right side. I can't help but smile at the football supporters, they seem so keen on watching their team win in the stadium, happy and excited at once.

The McDonalds we choose to eat in is only a few minutes away from our hotel or that's at least how it seems. It's quite crowded in there, a long queue is infront of every worker and I sigh in frustration as we decide to wait behind two fifteen-year olds who debate over football and which club is going to win.

"If you ask me, I think Dortmund is going to beat Mainz' arse" one of them announces excited.

"And if you ask me I am starving any second" Lauren comments as her stomach starts to growl loudly, causing me to try to hold back the laughter because I don't want to be unfriendly.

"Who is going to score the goals today, what do you think?" the blonde one asks his brunette friend, slipping his mobile into his jeans pocket.

"How about we change the queue?" Lauren suggests suddenly and tries to push me into the line beside ours but I shake my head, not moving a centimeter.

"If you ask me, Aubameyang is going to do a good job" the brunette boy replies, ruffling through his hair.

"Helen, let's-"

"Or Reus! He's going to lead the Borussia to its win" the blonde smirks, balling his hand into a fist.

It's like I forget to breathe for a few seconds and my heart stops completely. Flashbacks are running through my mind, making my vision blurry and shutting everything around me out as my heart begins to ache terribly.

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