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>The only person standing in your way is yourself.<


💎Helen's POV💎

I close Marco's room door behind me, still feeling tingles dancing in my stomach as Erik and Jürgen send me questioning looks.

"Are you alright Liebe?"

Erik sounds concerned and it's almost cute how worried he seems to be before I nod my head softly.

"Yes, I am, Marco and I have talked"

Jürgen congratulates me immediately and sends me the brightest smile I've received from him in two hours sitting beside him and Erik stands up from his chair, gesturing me to sit down.

"I knew you could sort things out!" the BVB coach seems satisfied with Marco and me finally getting along again but Erik keeps strangely quiet.

What is on his mind?

And why on earth would Marco try to kiss me? Is he doing it for fun again or what's the meaning behind his actions?

I have to find out as soon as possible otherwise-

"Are you even listening Helen?" Erik asks and snaps his fingers infront of my face, causing me to shriek.

"I am sorry, I guess I was daydreaming"

But how can you not daydream about Marco touching your lips with his soft and gentle ones while he pushes your hair aside to cup your face and-


Erik sounds disappointed as our eyes lock because he can surely tell that my thoughts drifted away again and it doesn't take a genious to get about what or whom I daydream about.

"Sorry Erik, I am already a little tired"

The BVB player sighs and shrugs his shoulders, leaning against the wall next to me.

"It's alright"

Jürgen, who has just been listening to Erik and me the whole time, suddenly claps into his hands enthustically, causing me to nearly get a heartattack.

"Kiddos, I got to go know, my wife is probably awaiting me. Erik" he turns to the boy next to me and smiles genuinely, "you played a fantastic match. Helen" he looks at me, "it was nice to meet you, maybe we will see us again some time"

"Sure thing Kloppo" I laugh and watch the coach hugging his football player before he walks through the long floor and disappears behind a corner.

Dead silence surrounds Erik and me, making it a little bit awkward as we sit next to each other.



"What do you think about?"

My lame attempt to begin a conversation causes him to laugh but considering that I love the sparkle in his eyes that lights up whenever his lips curl up into a smile, I am okay with it.

"Seriously Helen?" he asks, chuckling as heat rushes into my cheeks.

"I just wanted to start a proper conversation and you know, it's not exactly easy when you don't know what to talk about but let's just-"


I knit my eyebrows in confusion, my glance resting on the boy who interrupted me midsentence.


"You. I was thinking about you"

A sarcastic laugh escapes my lips as I touch his knee lightly, shaking my head.

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