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-dedicated to NCmusicLP because I know that she will freak out in just a few minutes-

-R U mine?~ Arctic Monkeys-

-four years later-

💎Helen's POV💎

The Signal Iduna Park starts to fill itself with thousands of people mostly dressed in the colours black and yellow, laughing and chatting happily.

I sat on my usual seat in the middle of the Südkurve, Cathy Fischer (Hummels, however you like to call her now) to my right and Tugba Sahin to my left as I stare down at the pitch nervously.

It was the last big match of the year and it means everything to the whole Borussia, I can tell you. It's like the final of the DFB Pokal in reverse, Wolfsburg against Dortmund but this time it is held in the Signal Iduna Park as if they knew that Dortmund would be one of the finalists.

Still remembering how broken and down Erik, my boyfriend, felt after the match about four years ago, I let my gaze travel to the end of the row where Marco's latest girlfriend tries to make her way through to us.

Her name is Ninibeth, Nini for short, and Marco and her are dating for ten months straight now, one of the longest relationships the blonde forward has ever had before. At the beginning, it felt strange to see Marco being so attached to another girl because he wouldn't give up on me for two years after Erik and I had confirmed our relationship only one week after actually getting together. Nini gladly is one of the sweetest girls I got to know during my time as a WAG and that she suddenly happened to become Reus' girlfriend is even better as she finally shows him what real love between two people means and how you can be happy with one person for a longer period of time.

Marco continued to try to convince me that he is a better deal than Erik but I told him several times how I can't let go of Erik because I love him, our relationship is perfect. Of course, we had some fights, even one when I thought he would break up with me but we made it even through the toughest phases of life and that's why I am thankful to have him; Erik is like the rock in the wild waves on which I can hold onto to save myself from drowning in the deep ocean that is life and reality.

"Nini!" Cathy, Tugba and I exclaim and hug the grinning girl that takes a seat next to Hummels' wife.

"What do you think, will they finally bring the Pokal home?" Tugba asks excited and receives only nods as response.

"They have been fighting for so long to win this important match" Nini answers and we all agree.

Erik has been so stressed out lately, the shock and disappointment from 2015 still is stuck in his bones as Kloppo had been and still is one of the people that are responsible for Erik's success in football and he kind of had taken the father role in his younger years, causing him to still admire Jürgen, probably the most sympatic coach worldwide.

My thoughts are interrupted by the football players walking out of the tunnel onto the field; I spot Erik in the middle of Dortmund's row, his hand being intertwined with the one of a little brunette girl with pigtails. My heart starts to beat harder at the cute sight, I have been trying to tell Erik about me being pregnant with our first child for two weeks now but decided to tell him the news after his game to avoid taking his mind off of the things he needs to be concentrated in.

Cathy nudges me with her ellbow, grinning widely as I turn my head to glance at her. I wink at her playfully before letting my gaze travel to the pitch once again. Both teams already took their position and in right that moment the referee blows the whistle, causing Pierre-Emerick to pass the ball to Marco.

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