
726 57 116

>People hate it when you treat them the way they treated you.<


💎Helen's POV💎

My attempts to swallow the lumb that is in my throat fail terribly as I carry myself to Lauren's room; entering without even knocking.

"Woah Helen, what has happened?"

"Erik, he-" I break myself off as tears come to my eyes, "he loves me and he left me standing at the hospital entrance"

"Why is that?" Lauren asks curiously as she extends her arms out to hug me.

"Because he saw me with Marco, I kissed him and Erik bursted into the room"

"Shit" Lauren curses and knits her eyebrows, eyeing me in a worried way. "Girl, you need to decide on someone"

"That's what Erik told me, he simply left"

My best friend bites her lip and shrugs her shoulders helplessly.

"Would you have done anything apart from that?"

I shake my head in reply as I bury my head into my hands, groaning in desperation.


Or Erik?

"Listen, I am going to leave the hospital already today in approximately five minutes, you go and say Marco goodbye alright?"

She earns a nod from me before I exit her hospital room and wipe my eyes quickly.

Erik's making me emotional for sure; he's the type of guy that make you like him immediately because of his smile that reaches his eyes in a matter of seconds and the way he treats you and behaves.

Marco is making me weak. There's no way to doubt that the guy has an unhealthy effect on me in a sexual kind. His attractive features and the famous half-smirk is something with what he can wrap every single girl around his little finger.

I reach the end of the corridor and knock on Marco's door softly, waiting for him to call me in.

"You are back" he smiles, still lying on his back lazily and patting next to himself on the bed. "Would you like to join me again?"

I sigh deeply as I stop infront of him, shaking my head briefly.

"I can't Marco, my friend's leaving the hospital and I need to drive her into our hotel"

Marco groans and rubs his eyes, before his hand touches my wrist lightly.

"Whatever, will you come and visit me tomorrow?"

"Of course Marco, sleep tight"

"Sweet dreams honey"

I make my way to the door and feel the cold metall of the doorknob touch my palm as I suddenly stand still.

"Marco?" I ask, my hand tightening as I don't dare to look at him.

"Yes Helen?"

"I have to think about you and me and Erik"

The words escape my mouth easier than I thought but Marco doesn't reply. It's like the whole room is drenched in silence and sudden tension.

"I can't keep on doing... this" I try to explain pathetically and turn around to glance at Marco but he only laughs sourly.


I kind of saw that reaction coming as Marco could be considered as short tempered and insensitive but it hurts me anyways.

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