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>My life is nothing but room for you... It could never be filled by anyone but you.•Kurt Vonnegut•<


💎Helen's POV💎

"There you are kiddos," Jürgen greets us with a careful smile, "are you alright Helen?"

I nod briefly and force a smile onto my lips.

"Yes, I feel better, thank you Herr Klopp"

Sitting down onto the plastic chair next to the BVB coach, I peek to him and Erik and watch them whispering eagerly.

They always seem to leave me out whenever they are having a serious conversation. What can I say, I am the curious type of girl and I can't stand it if someone is trying to keep a secret from me.

"No way" Erik suddenly whisper-shouts, shooting Kloppo an angry glance.

"It's our only chance and he wants it badly" Jürgen explains calmly, not seeming to be impressed by Erik's outburst.

"Can I help you?" I offer kindly but none of the two answer me.

"I don't wan-"

"It's not about what you want Erik, it's about what makes him feel better"

"Oh yeah, because satisfying his needs as soon as they are on good terms again will make him feel better!" Erik snaps, making me realize that they are obviously talking about me again.

Jürgen rolls his eyes and sighs in annoyance, leaning back in the chair.

"Erik, please don't-"

"Have you even thought about asking me if I am ready to do it again?" I cut in, silencing Kloppo and preventing Erik from protesting.

The Dortmund coach turns to me completely, a worried and begging glance meeting mine.

"Please Helen, it would be pretty important for us. Marco wants to apologize badly, I talked to him"

"I can't believe that" I say sternly, "he keeps hurting me"

Erik opens his mouth to say something but Jürgen breaks him off with a quick gesture, looking at me again.

"I know that you like him Helen, and I know that he likes you too"

Something inside of stings terribly, like an angry swarm of wasps would feel captured and claustrophobic in my stomach; making it churn and hurt.

"I don't think I do"

Liar, liar pants on fire.

"Then why do you look so hurt dear?" Jürgen asks carefully, only making my stomach feel even worse.

Of course I like him, I want to scream, of course I fucking do, but if I could change this one little but complicated detail in my life, I instantely would. No matter how hard I try to forget about Marco Reus, the womanizer, he would always crawl back into my mind. The harder I try to push him out of my thoughts the more he clinges onto my mind.

"Sometimes words hurt more than actions do" I mumble and curl my index finger around the loose hem of my top.

"But don't you think that you would feel better if you and Marco finally spoke properly with each other?"

Kloppo sounds convincing and pretty sure about what he's telling me; there is this thing surrounding him that makes you believe him instantely.

"That's right, yeah" I sigh, shifting awkwardly on the chair, "I'm going to do it"

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