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Please read the author's note, I am going to explain a lot of things there! x

>She treats you the way she wishes someone would treat her. So please don't be annoyed if she keeps asking you if you're alright. It's just because no one ever asked her.•S.Z.<


💎Helen's POV💎

I hurry out of the house after calling a cab, feeling the soft rain wettening my skin. The sensation of finally knowing who to choose makes tingles erupt my stomach and the uncomfortable wait for the cab a lot more enjoyable.

After only five minutes of waiting, the vehicle arrives and I climb in before friendly greeting the driver and handing him the address to my destination.

But what will the other of them say? Will he ever speak to me again, or even send a look my way?

I can't think about that now because both of them wanted a decision from my side, and now it's finally the time.

The rain starts pouring even harder and makes loud sounds as it comes in contact with the glass of the window, blurrying my view from the outside.

Lying in his arms would be the perfect way to spend my evening right now, but I know exactly that this moment is only minutes away from me.

"Miss, we are there" the cab driver informs me and I hand him some money quickly.

"Thank you"

I climb out of the vehicle and make my way to the entrance, pushing the heavy glassdoors open. Inside the building, the sharp smell of several disinfectants fill my nostrils and the bright lights cause me to be blind for a few moments until my eyes get used to it.

Hurrying along the corridor and already knowing his room number, I let my gaze wander from door to door. Finally, I stop in my tracks infront of the right room and sigh heavily before knocking on the wooden material of the door.

"Come in" Marco shouts from inside and as I walk in, his face expression changes from surprised to happy real quick.

"Helen, I didn't expect you to be there"

"I know you didn't, I hope I don't bother you" I tell him almost shyly and take a seat next to his bed.

"No, of course not"

Marco's whole face lights up and steers my attention from his tired look and his red eyes to his handsome smile.

"But there is a reason why I am here" I tangle my fingers together in nervousness, feeling the sweat building itself on my forehead.

"Tell me" Marco replies, shifting a bit in his bed to be able to glance at me properly.

"I made a desicion. I chose who I want to be with"

My heart pounds in my chest as if it wanted to jump out and I try to regular my breath to calm down again.

"Okay" Marco smiles, waiting patiently for me to speak up.

"I am sorry Marco, it's Erik I want to be with"

I direct my gaze to my fingers, not being able to stand the hurt look that's probably on his face right now, the sadness and desperation.

"What do you mean it's Erik you want to be with?" Dortmund's number eleven croaks and I can't help but feel sorry for him.

I shouldn't have get both his and Erik's hopes up in the first place; I should have made it clear who I wanted to be with but I wasn't sure about my feelings until the soft classical music filled my ears back in the hotel.

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