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>The worst feeling is knowing that someone you truly care about stopped having the same emotions towards you and you can literally do nothing about it.<


💎Helen's POV💎

Hospitals are one of the places I hate most. The intimidating feeling you have while walking through the long floors past dozen of doors make my stomach go sick for some kind of reason. The thought of what may happen behind the next door is terrible; children getting confirmed that they have cancer, parents crying their eyes out, people dying because of car crashs.

I shift in the uncomfortable plastic seat that doctors placed in one of those floors for me to wait for Lauren who still is in the emergency room. The time seems to pass by slower as usual; I feel like staring onto the clock above the door every ten minutes but only thirty seconds have passed.

This totally reminds me of school.

On the other hand I am pretty worried about Lauren, I am the one who brought her in such an uncomfortable situation.

The sound of medicians rushing through the floor reaches my ears and causes me to roll my eyes in annoyance and exhaustment. I really haven't imagined our city trip to end like this, not at all.

"We need another emergency room, it's very important"

I decide not to pay attention on the scene happening at all and take my mobile out, checking my messages.

"There is none left, I am afraid"

One look at my messages will tell you how popular I am in university life; no new texts.

"Who's in this room?"

An elderly man with a short gray beard points to the door which leads to the room Lauren currently lies in, still unconscious.

"A girl, she has just awakened"

My eyes widen immediately as I almost drop my phone in excitement.

"Then take her to another room quickly, we have an important case"

"We can't, she's losing much blood because of an open wound on her forehead"

I can feel my heartbeat quicken again as I stand up slowly in attempt of asking one of the doctors how my best friend feels and if I can talk to her.

"We have an unconscious Marco Reus coming in because of a heavy injury, someone seemed to kick his ankle again and-"

The following words coming from the doctor rush past me as if I were not able to hear them as my mind starts spinning. The sudden worry not only about Lauren but also about him catches me off the guard and I stumble back to my seat, sitting down as everything around me becomes blurry.

"Are you alright Miss?"

One of the doctors stands directly infront of me while the other eyes me worried. I nod lightly and bring one hand up to my forehead, rubbing circles onto it to make myself calm down.

"We will bring your friend to another room right now, somewhere you are not allowed to go to, will you wait here?"

I nod a second time before doctors storm past me, shoving Lauren out of the room and making space for another patient coming in.

His body isn't covered with a blanket as you sometimes see in telenovelas, I am able to see one dirty cleat on his right foot, the other is taken off. The yellow jersey with the black stripes and the greenish stains caused by the grass catches my eye as well as his blonde hair, totally messed up and covering his eyes.

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