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>You can't change your situation, the only thing you can change is how to deal with it. •Anna Kendrick•<


💎Helen's POV💎

Erik's arm is drapped around my shoulder comfortingly as we leave the ladiesroom together and I find myself resting my head against his chest as we walk down the hospital floor. His thumb runs over my bare arm continuously, probably to calm me down, and I hold tightly onto his torso since my vision is still terribly blurred.

"I think we can finally talk properly here"

We stop right infront of what seems to be a waiting room as Erik lets himself down onto one of the plastic chairs first before pulling myself onto his lap and resting both of his hands on my upperthighs. A bright red colour creeps into my cheeks as I place my hands awkwardly on my lap.

"Now tell me Helen, what happened in there?"

My eyes wander to Erik's beautiful ones, noticing the sparkle in them which make them perfect and unique.

"First Marco looked gobsmacked and after a while more like a mixture between happy and hurt how weird that may sound" I sigh as I tangle my fingers together. "then he started yelling at me for having bad influence in his and your friendship although he didn't look angry, more hurt"

I am glad that I can refuse the tears this time, I don't want to be the weak girl that always needs a shoulder to cry on.

"Don't mind him, he's just a bit upset" Erik murmurs into my ear.

His breath tickling on my skin makes me realizing how close we actually are but he doesn't really seem to care about me practically being pressed against his upperbody.

"But why would he? It was him who had the idea with the bet"

"He didn't see you in a long time Helen, maybe he's just kind of taken back by your appearance?"

The smell of Erik's manly, heavy perfume intoxicates me and makes my thoughts clouded as I place my hand onto his shoulder.

"I don't know, Marco seemed so" I stop in the middle of my sentence, searching for the right words to say, "mean and angry"

"I am sure he's just mad at you for walking out on him two months ago, he isn't used to be pushed aside by girls" Erik explains and runs his thumb over my bare arm, causing goosebumps to spread it.

I turn my head to look at him directly, still feeling like it is all my fault what happened. Erik sighs deeply and brushes back one strand of my hair.

"What if Marco really hates me?"

My voice is just barely above a whisper now as his eyes lock with mine, staring intensively into them.

"Marco doesn't hate you and neither do I because of the whole friendship thing"

Erik starts to lean in after the words slipped over his lips and I feel my heart beating faster as I close my eyes slowly.


💀Marco's POV💀

My nails are clenching into the soft material of the white hospital sheets as I ask myself how on earth I could hurt her a second time.

I don't even have a good reason to be mad at Helen; the only chance to talk to her properly and explain my actions were given away by myself only minutes ago.

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