Chapter 11

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A/N: If you want, you can play Fallin' (Adrenaline), by Why Don't We. Play from the start for a good experience.

Was this a confession? Did she really feel this way about her? What's she going to say?

After hearing the other woman's words, Asami sat there, feeling that all this is improbable, that her trance would be broken, sooner or later.


Asami's mother died when she was six, which prompted her father to enroll her in self-defense classes. Twelve years later, she's as good at combat as any Raava Academy graduate.

Asami knew she was going to have to take over Future Industries sooner or later, but the idea of business never really intrigued her. She wanted to do something good in her life, which led her to the United Special Operation Forces.

She had a mediocre job, fixing machines and occasionally renovating or improving them. It was when she started work on the combat robots that Asami felt her world light up.

Captain Korra, the only USOF officer who frequents the sparring mat, soon became her object of study. Asami convinced herself that she needed to watch the battle recordings to improve those robots, and that gave her an excuse to watch the captain fight every other day.

Korra was so powerful, yet exercised a sort of control Asami rarely saw in fighters now. No doubt, Korra was evidently a skillful fighter despite her young age. As time wore on, those recordings became Asami's light in the dark. She lost her motivation at USOF: she didn't know what she was doing, nor if her work would actually get her anywhere. So she took out her frustrations on the combat bots. She would watch Korra fight, then improve the robots. It soon became more of a competition between her and Korra, though the latter had no idea of its existence. Every day, Asami would fix the robots in hope that they could beat Korra, though they never did.

Asami soon realized that she'd already spent an entire year at USOF. She could leave, go back to her father and start doing impactful work. But something made her stay. Korra made her stay. So, the young heiress realized that she had a crush on the girl she never met.

Korra soon made her way up the ranks. She wasn't the newly promoted rookie anymore, but the captain who had an unbelievably high success rate and efficiency in terms of executing missions. Naturally, Asami heard more about her. Korra, on the other hand, was more oblivious to Asami. Nonetheless, the crush still developed.

As Asami watched more recordings, she saw a look in Korra's eyes that she knew all too well: frustration. Asami had spent too many late nights delving into engineering concepts to not know that look; that look you give when you're angry at something; that look you have when you have no idea what you're angry about.

As luck would have it, Korra and Asami were assigned on the same mission. Talking with Korra just felt so comfortable. Like the Korra in the recordings, the real Korra helped encourage Asami without even knowing she was doing it. The captain was just so much more real than all the other people the heiress had encountered, which was no small amount. In a world of black and white, Korra with her enchanting ocean blue eyes would be the only person to have any color.

And now Korra was asking her to be with her, to join her. Was it a confession? But no matter the case, Asami had to make her stance clear.

Before she could react, Korra started talking again, apparently phased by Asami's quiet. "I know I'm asking a lot Asami. But I didn't make myself clear. I'm asking you to join me and help take down the Saviors by my side, as my girlfriend and my partner. I know we haven't known each other for too long, but I just really enjoy being around you. It's like you're the only one who appreciates me for being myself. And you're just so kind and so compassionate. Did I ever mention how smart you really are? Hell, the combat bots gave me a good challenge every single time and knowing you were the one behind their movements is just incredible. What I'm saying is, I really do like you, Asami. And..."

Korra was rambling and Asami had to stop her before she could go on. So she gently placed her hand on Korra's chin and made the girl look at her. Staring into those deep ocean blue eyes she so deeply adored, Asami smiled. Today was going to be a day they'll both remember ages from now, hopefully. Asami's gaze shifted to Korra's lips, how they'd curl into lopsided smiles every now and then, how they must feel so soft and so warm.

Korra was looking at her now, looking at her straight in the eyes. Did she want Asami to kiss her? She did just confess, didn't she? Asami had thought about this moment for so long, ever since she saw Korra's sparring recordings.

Asami wasn't sure who made the move, but she felt a pair of soft lips pressed against her own. The sensation was so addictive. It felt as if the world melted away, leaving only Korra and her sweet lips. She felt the warm tip of Korra's tongue prodding her lower lip, and so Asami slightly parted her lips, welcoming the soft and warm feeling of Korra's tongue slipping past hers, dancing in her mouth.

The taste was so addictive Asami felt like she could do this all day. Now she was sure that Korra was just more than a crush. Crushes don't transcend into this sort of craving. But right now, everything but the sweet taste of Korra's lips was in the back of her mind. She had no idea why they'd waited this long to kiss. It felt like the past eighteen years had all been leading up to this one small moment. Nothing mattered, not her father and Future Industries, not USOF and the Saviors, absolutely nothing mattered in this heated moment except Korra. If Asami were to reflect on her life right now, her past would've all faded away into the distance when compared to Korra, the woman she loved.

Love. Such a strong word, yet it felt so right.

When the two parted, both panting a bit, Asami instantly missed those lips. But she still had to answer Korra's question. Thankfully, she knew the answer clear as day now.

"Yes, Korra. I'd love to be your girlfriend, and I will stand by your side and help you. I'll always stand by your side, no matter what happens or what falls."

When Korra looked at her with tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes, Asami knew that she would always hold true to that answer. It was the truth, the glaring yet mind-blowing truth, the truest thing Asami has heard in eons.

With that in mind, both girls smiled and leaned in again.

A/N: I swear, ever since I added one song to this fic, I've been wanting to add more and more. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Slightly different perspective for finally tying Korra and Asami together. Sadly, there'll be less fluff next chapter and will return to Korra's perspective. The next few chapters will also be more action-filled. Let me know what you guys think!

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