Epilogue 1

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A/N: The song for this chapter is "Everyone Changes", by Kodaline and Gabrielle Aplin. There'll be a notice when to play the song if you wish.

Extract from The Avatar Chronicles:

There are a lot of things I want to say to you, the next avatar. But that'd be too overwhelming. I hope you finding out your identity wasn't as shocking an experience as mine was. I spent my childhood yearning to be a hero that saves the world, but when that responsibility was thrust upon my shoulders, that day in the small home of former Grand Lotus Zaheer, the last thing I wanted was to assume my role.

Throughout my years, I've come to realize that even after the great work of Avatar Aang and all our predecessors, the world is still far from perfect. I've tried my best to keep it in balance, and as much as it pains me to say this, my time in this world will come to an end. Asami advised me to store everything I want to say to you in a book, so you at least have some idea of what life as the avatar is like. Most talk about the avatar is strictly hush-hush, and it's one of my regrets that the existence of the avatar remains a secret to this day, thousands of years after Wan became the first avatar.

I also hope you didn't grow up secluded from the rest of the world and kept from your parents as well. You might've heard about the White Lotus. I've been training with them since I was four. I'm glad that USOF and the White Lotus have been mostly disassembled over the past few years, I can only wish that my eventual death won't encourage them to rise again.

There is truly a lot I wish to tell you, but you need to figure out the role of the avatar for yourself. However, that doesn't mean you have to do it all alone. I am thankful for the circle of friends I keep beside me, and I'll forever be grateful for Team Avatar. These people help keep me aware that I'm Korra first, Avatar Korra second. I hope you can do the same.

After taking down USOF, I decided that my mission would be ensuring equality in a world that's begun polarizing. I'll carry out my mission until my last breath. You don't need to be a hero and you don't need to be in a hurry to find your calling, but I can promise you that one day it'll all be clear. With your friends and your mentors, I have no doubt that you'll be a great avatar.

Avatar Korra


Korra grinned at her tablet. The eager faces of her parents showed up.

"Hey, sweetie!" Her mom said. Her dad raised a hand in greeting.

"Hey mom, dad," Korra replied. "How are things in the south? I haven't been down there in a year."

Her parents beamed. "We were hoping you'd come down here and find out for yourself," Tonraq explained. "And we'd love for Asami to come as well. We haven't seen her in forever."

"I'll ask her tonight. If all goes well, I'll see you guys in a few weeks?"

Korra quickly finished her call with her parents. Ever since their reunion all those years ago, she never missed out on an opportunity to talk with her parents and make up for the fourteen years they were out of her life. Asami also took a liking to them and vice versa, which was a huge relief for Korra. Korra was glad that her girlfriend was able to see Senna as a motherly figure after Yasuko Sato died when she was only 6.

[A/N: You can play the song now.]

Stepping into the bedroom she and Asami now shared in the huge Sato Estate in Republic City, Korra started picking out an outfit for her date with Asami tonight. After an hour, she finally decided on the blue tunic and brown pants she always wore during her mission to take down the Saviors, all that time ago. They were mainly made for combat, but luckily Korra had a few variations that focused more on style rather than utility.

Asami would be waiting at the bottom of the newly built Future Industries tower. Ever since she took over the huge company from her retired senile old father, Korra rarely saw her girlfriend take a few hours off anymore. Hence the date tonight.

Stepping outside the estate, Korra hailed a cab to a flower stand then the company tower.


The pair had been strolling comfortably along Yue Bay for a few minutes now, neither of them speaking but feeling content in their little bubble.

Korra thought back to everything that's happened over the past few years. Her and Asami finding her parents, her meeting Asami's father and immediately receiving the old man's approval, USOF officials deciding to follow Korra's proposal to shut the agency down, her moving in with Asami...

Everything wasn't perfect, but even their squabbles and quarrels just felt right to Korra. That was why Korra found her hand fingering the velvet box in her pocket. She'd already talked to her parents and old Hiroshi weeks ago, and they'd given her their full approval. Hiroshi was a bit too enthusiastic, saying that he wanted grandkids. Korra had tried her best not to choke on air but failed spectacularly.

"Four years ago today, we said 'I love you' to each other for the first time." Korra began. "I never doubted for a moment that I love you, Asami, even during our arguments. God, it's been four years. I swear it was only yesterday I was still standing in the USOF briefing room, meeting the gorgeous woman I immediately had a crush on. And it took me so long to realize that crush." Korra laughed. "I can't explain how much you've helped me in those four years, Asami. It's been such a wonderful ride, having you by my side every step of the way. I love you so much, Asami, and I can't imagine the day I don't have you beside me." Korra's happy tears started streaming down her face. She felt so exposed, bare naked to the raw emotions plaguing her body. But she felt safe, because she knew those emotions were for Asami, who always made her feel secure.

Kneeling down and taking out the small velvet box, Korra asked in a soft whisper, "Asami Sato, the love of my life, would you marry me?"

Korra looked up to see tears flowing down Asami's face as well. There was the look of pure love Korra would never get tired of seeing. She knew the answer right then and there and hoped that she'd be able to treasure this perfect moment forever and be immersed in Asami's love. She didn't need to hear Asami's reply to know the answer, but Korra carved the answer into her mind, daring herself to ever forget.

"I love you so much, Korra. Of course I'll marry you." Asami choked out, before grabbing Korra in close for a heart-stopping kiss.


Six months later:

"Congrats on the promotion, Detective Mako!" Korra beamed with Asami sitting on her lap.

"I'm so proud of my big bro." Bolin sniffled. "Still into movers, Bo?" Asami teased. Bolin stood up indignantly at the question. "Hey, I love my job! But I'm ready to move on! I'm going to work at the United Republic Government alongside Kuvira. This little bird needs to fly!" Cheers erupted around the room. "You have the support of The Great Uniter, Bolin." Kuvira hooted.

Korra looked around and saw her friends gathered together on the eve before her wedding. They would be all friends for a lifetime, Korra was sure of it.

Gathering in the Jasmine Dragon once a month had become a habit of theirs now. Ever since they took down the Saviors, four years ago, and finally met up for a drink here as friends, the tradition never stopped. Their friend group soon expanded. It used to be Korra, Asami, Bolin, Mako, and Kuvira, but everyone occasionally brought over some guests. Opal was a frequent visitor to such gatherings, and Kuvira sometimes brought Bataar over, who gushed with Asami about engineering topics. Other members in the Beifong family sometimes came too: the twins, Su, even Lin, who Korra knew loved them as her own children but never said so. But tonight it was only the five of them, a sentiment to old times.

Raising her cup of tea to call for a toast, Korra knew the perfect thing to say.

"To friends."

"To friends." They echoed.

Looking at Asami once more, Korra whispered, "I love you."

Asami smiled sweetly, softly kissing her. "I love you too."

A/N: Does the song fit the story? I was listening to that song while writing this chapter, and it kind of sounded appropriate. Also, who's also sad that it's the epilogue already? I am, for sure!! 😭 It's been such a ride, and I just want you guys to know that it's been really great writing for you. Thank you again for all the support.

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