Chapter 19

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⚠️Warning: This chapter is rated E but not detailed enough to make it to an M rating, I think. Anyways, this chapter contains a semi-graphic and semi-poetic description of explicit scenes 🔞. Read at your own risk.

Disclaimer: I do not own the cover artwork of this chapter. I couldn't hunt down the original artist as there were dozens of pins on Pinterest as well as dozens more websites that have used this image. If this is the artwork of you or anyone you know, please message me if you wish for it to be taken down or credited properly.

They stayed in their comfortable embrace for a long while, but as much as both of them wished to stay, the pair couldn't afford to be caught.

"Come on, let's get back," Asami said.


"Thank god you radioed the brothers!" Korra exclaimed. "If they hadn't been awake I'd have been captured, no kidding."

The pair were stretched out on the mansion's couch, with Asami having just filled Korra in on her doings before the break-in. Asami smiled. "Someone's got to have your back in your reckless plans. If I'm not there, the least I could do is make sure someone could look after your butt."

Though Asami's words were meant as a joke, Korra felt warmth spread through her heart. It was a new feeling, for sure. "Thank you." She said, "Thanks for calling the boys, of course. But thank you for caring. I've never had that before."

"Someone to look after your back?" Asami asked, but Korra shook her head. "Someone who cares." She smiled sadly. "I never thought I really needed someone to care for me, but I'm glad you at least do."

Asami gave no reply, but softly tilted Korra's chin up to look her in the eye. The heiress leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips. It wasn't the passionate kisses they shared, but a new kind of care in them. The kiss lasted no more than a few seconds, but Korra felt something buried so deep within her heart that she even forgot its existence.

I love you.

Korra's heart screamed out loud. Her whole heart ached with her love for Asami. Her close encounter with death moments ago had made her realize that she couldn't bear not having Asami close by anymore. But now, back in her girlfriend's arms, being able to hold her and kiss her, Korra knew that Asami has become her entire world and has grown to occupy her entire heart. Korra would be content to spend her remaining years with Asami, the woman she would go to the ends of the world with, the woman she would follow to the graves of death with, the woman she would love to the end of time.

It's surprising how they met just a few weeks ago. Korra couldn't imagine life before Asami. It must've been dull. And it was. Asami is the color in her life now.

Looking into the deep twinkling emerald eyes Korra has always adored, she grabbed Asami by the nape of her neck and pulled her into a searing kiss. Korra tried to tell everything she felt for the woman through the kiss: her love, her passion, her thankfulness... But it just wasn't enough. There was a multitudinous wave of thoughts Korra wanted to tell the raven-haired beauty, but just couldn't. So when they broke apart for much-needed air, Korra pulled her back in again, this time with more passion.

Asami soon stood up and brought Korra down the hall into the master bedroom, all the while not losing contact with her lips. The latter wasn't in much of a lucid state to notice and started tugging at Asami's shirt to feel more of the gorgeous ivory skin the heiress had and to touch the marvelous curves of her body. Soon, more unnecessary articles of clothing fell along the hallway and both women stumbled into the bedroom with only their bras and underwear on. Realizing where this was headed, Korra pulled back to softly look Asami in the eyes, asking for permission. "Are you sure about this?" Korra asked.

"Never been surer." Asami gasped, unhooking her bra. Korra felt her heart soar as her throat turned dry. There stood Asami Sato in all her glory and beauty.

I love you, Asami Sato.

Allowing Asami to take off her bra as well, Korra gently coaxed both of them to the king-sized bed. With one last look of permission, Korra gently slipped two of her fingers under Asami's underwear and tugged it off. The sight of Asami naked made Korra's entire body burn with passion. She wanted all of Asami, every inch of her gorgeous body.

I love you, Korra thought, too afraid to say it out loud.

Korra took her time exploring every inch of Asami's body: her milk-white collarbone, her plump and soft breasts that looked so perfect to Korra, her lightly-defined abdominals with just the right amount of feminine touch, right down to her core, where curly black folds are so damp for her already. Korra relished the sensation, how Asami would make small noises of pleasure wherever Korra touched her, and how Asami cried Korra's name out loud and her tongue was swirling deep inside her clit, and how Asami shook uncontrollably during her shocks of pleasure.

And so they spent the night filling the entire bedroom with gasps and moans of pleasure as heated waves of orgasms washed over and over them.

When they were both too tired to continue, Korra brought Asami close to her, lightly massaging her scalp and enjoying the silky feeling of the raven-black hair.

I love you, Korra's mind shouted, Korra's heart screamed. But she was too tired to say anything and too scared to wrap her mind around the daunting fact that she was falling in love with Asami. Not just falling in love, but Korra was falling in hard, so hard that she felt she would crash at the landing, silently pleading Asami to be there to catch her in a heart-warming kiss.


Korra woke up feeling something stir beside her. Opening her eyes a crack, the remnants of the night before registered in her sleepy mind. She blushed slightly at the thought of everything they did last night and blushed even more at the sight of a naked Asami snuggled in her arms. The movement she'd just felt was Asami changing her position a bit.

Grinning like an idiot, Korra moved to kiss Asami's lips just to get a taste of the soft warm feeling that welcomed her every time.

"Good morning," Asami mumbled groggily. "Morning to you, too." Korra grinned. "And I love the wake-up call," Asami said.

"I thought you'd appreciate it more than an alarm." Korra laid back with a contented sigh. "Last night was just... amazing. You're really amazing, and last night was great... Sorry I was too knocked out to tell you that at the time." Asami lightly pecked her lips. "It's no problem. That was one of the best experiences I'd ever had." The heiress confessed. "But as much as I love these moments with you, we still have an entire underground organization to take out. Come on, I still need to show you what I discovered yesterday." With that, Asami rose from the bed, only to be pulled back by two tanned muscular arms. "Stay." Korra pouted. "You know we can't stay like this forever, baby," Asami said. The pet name instantly brought a bright smile to Korra's pouting lips. She sighed, the weight of their mission crashing upon her.

"Alright, but care to shower with me first?" Korra gave one of her lopsided smiles. Her eyes lit up when Asami rolled her eyes and took Korra's hand leading both of them into the bathroom. The mission is a concern for later, right now Korra could only focus on the pearl-white and exquisite body in front of her, lathering shower gel into her hands to show her full tenderness with the other woman.

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