Chapter 23

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It's pretty amazing to see how so many people have come together to help. Most of those people Korra had befriended, or at least gotten to know, during her many missions. She and Asami gradually greeted the arrival of their allies, inviting them inside.

"Master Suyin, it's a nice surprise to see you here." Korra grinned. She'd once trained with Su in the Zaofu Compound and was ever-grateful for her instructions.

"Please, Korra, call me Su. We're friends now, don't bother with the formalities. Heaven knows I get called master too much these days, makes me feel like an old guru." Korra laughed. "I brought the whole Beifong family clan with me, thought you'd need the support. And of course, my sister persuaded the entire RCPD force to come with her."

Korra looked up to see Opal, Bataar, and the twins grinning, then caught the eye of Kuvira. "Good to see you again, Lieutenant." Korra smiled. "We'll see about staying in USOF after this ordeal is over. But it's great to see you too, Kor." Kuvira smirked.

Then came Mako and Bolin, whom Korra wrapped in a hug. Though Korra found herself wrapped even more tightly in Bolin's huge bear-hug, rather than vice versa.

More allies continued to pour in. They were all officers whom Korra had helped and befriended in her missions. They brought their own allies and confidants, which soon assembled Korra a huge army. Korra would later learn that almost all of those people knew her during her Academy times and were inspired by her determination, to say the least.

Korra felt a warm and smooth palm take her right hand. "Ready for your big speech, captain?" Asami softly asked. Korra nodded, not trusting her bunch of nerves to speak right now. She'd thought about this beforehand, but the real deal proved to be a lot more nerve-wracking than her imagination.

Korra looks around and sees that the gradual influx of people over the past twelve hours has almost stopped. From what she was told, this would probably be all the support Korra would be getting.

"If I may have your attention, please!" Korra stood on the makeshift podium, looking at the small crowd assembled below. "As you have heard in my previous video message, President Raiko and General Tenzin have been secretly collaborating with the underground organization, the Saviors, in an attempt to wipe out the poorer half of the population. Well, we can't let that happen. I know a lot of you were brought to train at the Academy against your wishes. I know I was. But we were all taught that we would be the elite fighters maintaining balance in the world. After years of training, it's hard not to believe that. And this time is when we could really do that. A lot of you didn't have to come here, yet you still did. My deepest gratitude goes to all of you, for laying down your future at USOF and the White Lotus for this cause. I know it's not easy. Maybe we're not born to save the world. But if there's one thing I learned at the Academy, it's that you never give up fighting for what you believe in. That may sound cheesy, but if I could save a few more lives at the cost of my own, then be damned I will!" Korra moistened her lips. The motivation was well-received, and now she'd be getting to the plan. The plan was simple: she'd have around ten people stationed on rooftops and dark corners near the military safe house, where the hand-off was taking place. The rest would be back-up, and hopefully, their help wouldn't be needed on the mission. Once they'd intercepted the weapons and taken the Saviors captive, they'd be able to get more information and takedown Amon.

"Your plan won't work." A voice in the crowd suddenly said. Korra, startled, found the source of the voice. "Colonel Bataar, I didn't realize you were coming." She said cooly.

Bataar Jr. sighed. "It's not as simple as you think. I was one of Tenzin's strategists in the whole Savior business. He knew all along that you were aware of his plans, and everything was set as a trap for you to jump in. His records, his radio call in the hospital... And of course, he knew that you found out that the weapon's hand-off is a trap for you. That's why there won't be any weapons there. Instead, he'd be sending some of the Saviors' best officers to capture you and the team you've assembled."

"How do we know that your information is accurate?" Korra asked shrewdly. "Because he sent me on that suicide mission. He's of the opinion that I still think it's a normal hand-off. I'm not going to risk my life just so that thousands more could be killed." Korra smiled internally. She knew that one of the reasons Bataar was here is because of Kuvira. The pair never mentioned their relationship, but Korra would notice when Kuvira would come out of Bataar's office grinning or vice versa. She was glad her friend found someone to care for her as a lifelong partner.

"Then what do you propose?" Asami asked from beside Korra.

"I know where the headquarters are. You have just enough manpower to storm inside and get a confession from Amon. Then you take him down. His followers will scramble without their leader"

Korra contemplated this plan. "You have access to the weapons, right?" She asked Bataar, receiving an affirmative response. "Good. I need you to put a tracker on them so we know where they are. We attack at midnight."

Korra turned to all the people in the room. "Get ready for battle. We'll reconvene three hours before midnight."

"There's a small weaponry in the basement with some things you could borrow: bullet-proof vests, goggles, pistols, and such," Asami added.

A/N: My apologies if the plot seems a bit far-fetched. This is my first time writing suspense.  Thank you for bearing with me till now 😏.

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