Table of Contents

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For Clara, my first supporter in the world of fanfiction and my great friend.

For Christina, Grace, and Tania, my other great friends who always told me how great my writing was even though it wasn't.

For Angel, the person who first encouraged me to write and publish a story.

Thank you all for being there for me when I needed you, even though you all had no idea what exactly you did.

This story is divided into six parts:

Part 1: Prologue - Chapter 3 [Just A Mission]

Part 2: Chapter 4 - Chapter 9 [Let's Take Them Down]

Part 3: Chapter 10 - Chapter 15 [This Changes Everything]

Part 4: Chapter 16 - Chapter 20 [What now?]

Part 5: Chapter 21- Chapter 25 [Let's Take Them Down, For Real This Time]

Part 6: Chapter 26 - Epilogue 2 [My Mission]

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