Chapter 21

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[Part 5: Let's Take Them Down, For Real This Time]

"How do you know that's the delivery site?" Korra asked, two hours after they'd returned from the hospital.

"Well, given that it was just an ordinary radio call, I tapped into it without any problem. The receiver mentioned something about meeting at 55, and all of the places that could have the number 55 in their names is the 55th Military Precinct, a small safehouse owned by USOF ten blocks away from the hospital." Asami explained.

"Well, that was easy enough. Could you hack into Tenzin's USOF account as well? I want to see his communications." Asami raised an eyebrow at her, giving her a look Korra tried to interpret as skepticism.

"Well... Uh... You did design the security system, didn't you?" She stammered, totally not knowing where this was headed. "And you're also the really brilliant engineer and computer scientist and I supposed you could hack into the system..."

Asami laughed. "Like you have to ask, Korra. I did design the system, yes. I could hack into his account, just give me a minute..."

"Got it. They're meeting at 23:00 tomorrow. That's a few hours before the tracker's time runs out."

"Good enough," Korra said. "They probably won't bring the cavalry to a mission that relies on stealth, but I'm suspecting there will be some highly-trained people at hand-off. If I have to guess, I'd say three to five with probably a sniper. And it's definitely going to be monitored. We most surely can't charge into there."

Asami frowned. "Do you think this is a trap?" She asked. "I mean, it was way too easy to get this information. Judging that we've been around Tenzin for months and didn't notice anything was wrong, I don't think he's the kind of careless person to drop hints all over the place."

"Yes, that would make sense. Tenzin always teaches me about patience. He didn't become a general only to slack off. I think that trap could be made for us. But we can't let the hand-off be successful. If they get the weapons, even more people will die again!"

"If we go in, there's a high chance we won't ever come out again, Korra. We're the only ones who know about this." Asami reasoned, and Korra knew secretly she was right. But there was one way out of this. A dangerous path, but their only solution.

"Then let's find more friends. One way or another, they're going down."


Korra sat in front of the camera, holding the speech magnifier close to her. She gingerly pressed the record button.

"Greetings, all USOF officers. My name is Korra, a former Captain of the Ba Sing Se Compound. Some of you might know me through the Academy, while some of you might have heard of me during my missions. Regardless if you know me or not, I reach out to you to ask for your help. My team and I have found proof of General Tenzin and his associates' involvement with the underground organization, the Saviors. They're trying to wipe out the lower half of the population. Republic City was their doing, and now their focus is Ba Sing Se and the rest of the world. I know this is hard to believe, but please trust me. You are all officers today because you survived more than a decade of training with the White Lotus. That's not an easy task to do. We were taught that we were supposed to be the force keeping balance in the shadows. But how can we do that when our own leader is helping kill millions of innocent civilians? Come on, officers! You were trained better than this! Years of training didn't make you become fighting machines that follow whatever the superiors say! I know a lot of you have had your discrepancies with me in the past, but that's the past. I humbly ask you to help me to take down the Saviors. Please come to the Sato Estate in Ba Sing Se if you wish to help and be prepared for battle. It's time to end all this meaningless bloodshed! Korra out."

"I think that'll work nicely," Asami said from beside her. "I radioed Mako and Bolin while you were at it. Better for them to be prepared."

 "You think people will believe me?" Korra asked tentatively. "I mean, this is a dangerous shot. Tenzin could know immediately."

"Yes, but it's the only chance we have. We can't risk going in there by ourselves. Besides, you already exposed yourself to Tenzin."

"I wish everything would work out." Korra sighed. There was too much at stake here. If they failed, all would be lost and Korra would spend the rest of the years in Tenzin's captivity. Or worse, they could brainwash her. But that's not even the worst part. Asami. Korra would be putting her girlfriend in danger. If Asami even got a scratch from the fight that was looming, Korra would never forgive herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soothing hand on her thigh. "It's going to be ok, Korra. Don't worry. You're the avatar, remember?" Asami said, with a glint of humor in her eyes.

"Yeah, the avatar, whatever that is supposed to mean for me," Korra mumbled. "When I was a little kid, all I wanted was to save the world. Do good, you know? I don't know anymore. The world is so messed up. When it's you against the world, how do you know that what you're still doing is good? I'm supposed to succeed as the avatar, but it's not like those superhero movies where the good guy always beats the bad guy. How will I succeed?" Korra cries out.

"Baby you're never alone. I don't want you to ever forget that. I'll always stick by your side, and soon more people will as well. And I want you to have faith. We'll succeed. There's no doubt about it." Asami said sternly.

Korra smiled. She felt a great burden had been taken off her. Her dam didn't break, but she shed tears of anger, frustration, and all the emotions she'd been feeling for the past few days. She almost told Asami she loved her then and there. But duty calls.

"Then let's broadcast this," Korra said, with a determined look in her eyes.

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