Author's Note

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Hey guys!

Are any of you a bit sad to see this fanfic draw to an end? I certainly am! I started this more than a month ago after daydreaming its setting and plot for weeks. This story, luckily, hasn't deviated from my pre-designed plot too much, but I only expected 12 chapters to come out of it. That was why I said after Chapter 9 that the story was coming to the beginning of the end. Well, 16 chapters later, I'm proved to be very wrong.

There won't be a lot more action after this, mainly talking and hopefully some Korrasami fluff. I expect this story to be wrapped up in 3-4 chapters.

Again, thank you so much for reading the past 25 chapters. I'm not the best writer and my stories still have a ton of room for improvement but thank you for reading. I really appreciate your support. Speaking of support, please give me some lovin' and hatin', guys! Yes, you know what I'm going to say. Comment, vote, and follow, please! There's going to be a new fanfic coming out in a month or two, and it's going to be totally different from this one. Follow me if you're interested (details to come, I hate to announce stuff prematurely).

And since I'm wrapping up this story, I'll also be doing an intense editing session over the expanse of August. You'll probably get a lot of notifications from me, so sorry about that. But I do want to fix the bugs, the typos, the grammar errors, and almost everything I don't like about this story.

Thanks for reading this extremely long note.

Til the end,


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