Chapter 20

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"The tracker is only effective for 48 hours, and 12 hours have already passed. The next 36 hours would be key to stopping the Saviors." Korra said grimly, before asking Asami to explain what she discovered.

"So as I expected, Tenzin has browsed the maps of all parts of the world: what used to be the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Air Nation, and Water Tribes. But that's not the scary part. I found the schematics of a weapon in the computer. Of course, it was heavily encrypted, but I was the one who designed the encryption system so I hacked into it pretty easily. Looks like they were trying to figure out where to place the weapon. I downloaded everything I could get, but it's going to take a while to sort through this information. I don't recognize the weapon blueprints either, it's going to take a while to figure that out. Besides that, we're at a dead end. Again." Asami explained after Korra had explained to her what Tenzin said the previous night.

"What do you think?" Asami prompted. Korra hummed. She did have something in mind, but it wasn't what Asami was probably thinking. They were definitely in great danger right now, because Tenzin should've already woken up and discovered that Korra wasn't going to join them anytime soon. Her only advantage was that he didn't know that she was allied with Asami and the two brothers. But it won't take him long to figure everything out. After all, the four of them were the only ones to know of Tenzin's actions.

"I think..." Korra slowly said, contemplating possible moves, "We should hide for now. Tenzin already knows that I won't be helping him. It won't take long for him to notice our resignation letter. And since Mako and Bolin were on the mission with us, we can't risk putting them in danger." "I get your point, Korra, but we can't just run away. If we disappear, they could round on the brothers and make them talk, which is absurd because they don't know of our plans. And then where will we go to? We're stuck again."

"You downloaded Tenzin's browsing history, right? See what maps he frequented most, I'm betting that's our next target." Korra said confidently. "Just a slight problem..." Asami muttered."


"His history wasn't stored in a file, so we can't filter through. We'll have to manually do this..."


After hours of looking through Tenzin's history, Korra felt that it was high time to give up. Her eyes were burning and the task was monotonous, but also laborious and time-consuming. But Asami kept on with her task. Korra wondered how she did it, the woman never seemed tired. If Asami wasn't resting, then Korra shouldn't either. It was the moment that Korra decided to reinspect the maps she'd glazed over, that she found an intricately detailed one. It was a first. She found that Tenzin mostly looked at general maps, the most specific one was of two blocks in Ba Sing Se.

Surprisingly, this detailed map showed the blueprints of a local hospital. But upon close inspection, her heart sickened. The hospital, due to its sheer size, required a large amount of water to maintain its wellbeing. Worse yet, it was an advanced hospital in the lower ring, meaning that thousands of people visit every day, just for the equipment and skills the vicinity had. If bombs were placed there, lower ring citizens would have no doctors to treat them while radiation from all the advanced technology would seep into the water supply and intricate pipelines below the hospital. It'd be even more of a disaster than Republic City.

After showing her findings to Asami, they both decided that it was going to be the Saviors' next course of action. But when, and how? They certainly can't patrol the building 24/7 and scout out every bomb there. And maybe Tenzin knew they were onto them, so they could wait months, even years, to carry out the attack.

"Don't forget, Korra, we don't know what that weapon they're using is. It could be much more powerful than an ordinary bomb." Asami said with a sigh.

A moving dot on the computer screen caught Korra's eye. It was the computer that was monitoring Tenzin's tracker, and it was on the move.

"He's headed for the hospital," Asami said, now sitting next to Korra with their thighs touching. The close contact distracted Korra immensely, but she regained the ability to decide that they needed to get to the hospital to see what Tenzin was up to.


"You know, as brilliant an engineer you could be, I'm baffled that you couldn't find a more comfortable way to sneak into the hospital basement," Korra grumbled after ten minutes of crawling around in air vents.

"It's not my fault you're so bulky! According to my calculations, both of us should've fit in nicely. But noooo, you just had to have ridiculously broad shoulders did you?" Asami defended herself.

"Girl, that's called muscular. Anyways, how did you know Tenzin is in the basement the first place from the tracker?" Korra huffed out. This was a secure plan, infiltrating the air vents and climbing down to the basement. Just a tidbit uncomfortable. To be honest, extremely uncomfortable.

"Baby, it's not 2D. It constantly sends signals to a satellite my father owns, and besides it geological location it also shows how deep underground you are. You just have to shift the visual. I'm sure you don't spend your time brushing up on your gadgets, do you?" Korra could hear Asami's amusement from ahead.

"There could only be one engineer out of the pair of us." Korra wanted to use a pet name, but she wasn't sure which to use without sounding overly cheesy and so gave up on it.

"Wait, wait, quiet. I think we can hear Tenzin speaking." Asami shushed Korra.

"...topple the whole hospital structure. And since those things are part-uranium, I'd say it'd also give the lower ring of Ba Sing Se a scare as well."

A pause. Tenzin was definitely on the phone. "Could you tap into the radio signal?" Korra whispered though she doubted Tenzin could hear them. "Already on it." Came the reply.

"Yes, I trust that your men would be in two days later to install those?"

"I already have the gadgets in the compound, and I'll have them at the delivery place tomorrow, twelve thousand, sharp. Don't be late."

"He's gone." Korra breathed out. "I want to get down and see where he could place those gadgets of his. Any luck with the radio signal?"

"I was able to pinpoint a rough location, but the call ended far too quickly for my liking. But I memorized the radio frequency, I might be able to get a location later."

"Good, let's see about Tenzin's plan," Korra said.

[End of Part 4: What Now?]

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