Part 2:Rebulid

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In the months after the kokabiel incident all traces of the town of kuoh and its residents was completely erased as if it never existed to begin with.Both sona and Rias still had a desire to go to school in the human world, after a lot of pleading with the yokai faction the pair of heiresses were given a new territory, however in order to avoid something like Kokabiel happening again the territory was located in Kyoto so the yokai faction could intervene if a situation was to arise.Soon enough Sona sitri was made student council president of Taiyo academy while rias was given ownership of the school's occult research club.

Soon enough Sona sitri was made student council president of Taiyo academy while rias was given ownership of the school's occult research club

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In the hyodou residence Issei was laying in bed surrounded by the girls of the occult research club plus the newest edition of xenovia who joined Rias's peerage after she had been saved by sirzechs and serafall.The devils were sleeping peacefully until an alarm next to the bed started going off.One by one the devils quickly got up and got dressed in their new school uniforms.

Rias:Alright everyone it's time to start our life in our new school.



As the devils entered the school's gates the numerous students around were in awe when looking at the devils.

Random student 1:Are those new students?

Random male student:Wow those girls are hot!

Unknown to everyone around y/n had already entered the school and was watching the devils entering the school.Seeing the students reactions only made the boy sick.

Y/n:Hmph I swear high school students are all the same.

Y/n placed his hand on the scar on his forehead before walking away to his new class.


Y/n was sitting in his new classroom while he was ignoring the lesson that was going on he began thinking about his new purpose in life.


Evolto:Countless years ago I appeared on this planet.Sadly all the mean factions of this world attacked me for no reason, they ganged up on me and sealed me away in this realm.Heh but with you around we can change that.

Y/n:Just tell me what to do.

Although it couldn't be seen Evolt gained a smile hearing this.

Evolt:The factions took away most of my power using Pandora's box and sealed me away.I'll need your help if I'm going to get free, after that we will take back my power that is within Pandora's box.

Y/n:I'll do whatever it takes!

*flashback end*

As y/n was sitting in the classroom his gaze drifted to Sona who was paying close attention to the teacher.

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