Part 3:The next phase

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Y/n:What must I do master?

Evolt:Stay the course.We are almost ready to enter the next phase.


Y/n was walking to school thinking about how best to carry out his mission until he noticed a man on a bench staring at him.

Y/n was walking to school thinking about how best to carry out his mission until he noticed a man on a bench staring at him

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Y/n:Do you want something?

Azazel:Hm,the fact you noticed me shows you aren't any normal person.

Y/n gave the man a strange look and tried to walk away only for the man to appear on the next bench Y/n walked by.

Azazel:So tell me.How does a young man with no information about his home or family just... appear out of thin air?

Y/n:Go bother someone else you bum.

As Y/n walked away he suddenly dodged a number of light spears which burst out of the ground almost exactly where Y/n was standing.Y/n looked furious at the fallen angel who hovered just above.

Azazel:Did I strike a nerve?

Azazel slowly floated back to the ground.All the while Y/n slowly pulled out the transteam gun.

Azazel:Apologies.I know it was a bit brutish but I was reeeeeally desperate for answers.Be honest you're that night rogue guy aren't you?

Y/n looked at Azazel with distain which the fallen angel leader simply laughed off.

Azazel:Jeez, I'm sorry alright.I'll make it up to you if you want.

Y/n:Upon closer inspection.....I can see you must be very powerful.

Azazel:Yeah, I mean I am the leader of the fallen angels.

Y/n:Fallen kokabiel.


Y/n:Then how about you make things up to me WITH YOUR LIFE!

Y/n shot the fallen angel who was consumed by a cloud of smoke.The smoke cleared to reveal Azazel had been turned into a monster.

The smoke cleared to reveal Azazel had been turned into a monster

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