Part 8: Evolution

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Sento and Banjo arrived at the top of Pandora's tower. The tower's peak resembled a desert with a hill in the middle where Pandora's box sat atop a stone altar. The power emerging from Pandora's box stretched high into the sky above.Both riders proceeded forward cautiously but stopped when they heard a voice.

Y/n:So someone actually made it.

Y/n revealed himself and walked out to face Sento and Banjo. Despite the current situation Y/n didn't seem bothered.

Y/n:Before we begin, may I ask you something?



Y/n:When you created the world you still had Pandora's box afterward, yet for some reason you gave it up. Split it amongst the supernatural factions. Why?

Sento:Curious? Why do you wish to know?

Y/n:I've seen your memories. The box showed me but I still wasn't able to understand your reasoning.

Sento:Honestly... I didn't need it.

Y/n:Huh!? The power to remake the world was yours and you just gave it away cause you were done with it!?

Sento: Exactly. Pandora's Box is a weapon. I had no intent on wielding it.

Y/n:*Smirk* hmph, perhaps it's because I'm not human I don't understand.

Banjo:A-Are we here to fight or what?

Y/n brought out both of his full bottles which floated into his driver.


Y/n:I hope you both know. I don't really have any hatred towards you.You're simply in my way.

Evol Match!


Black hole!
Rabbit Dragon!
Over the evolution!

Sento and Banjo charged forward and both threw a punch which Y/n caught with ease

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Sento and Banjo charged forward and both threw a punch which Y/n caught with ease. With a gleeful smile Y/n leapt up and kicked Banjo in the chest, the dragon rider was knocked back allowing Y/n to face Sento alone.
As the two clashed fists Y/n got close to Sento and spoke.

Y/n:Tell me, why is it you fight?

Sento:I thought you already know. I fight for love and peace.


Y/n's palm crackled with power before the homunculus blasted Sento with a stream of purple energy.

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