Part 6:The Hollow Child

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Y/n slowly stirred awake and found himself tied to a chair in a dark room. As Y/n regained his vision he spotted a man pacing around holding his driver.

Sento:It certainly is. This driver is the genuine article.

Y/n weakly managed to look up at Sento.

Y/n:Give that back.....

Sento:I'm afraid I can't do that. I already disassembled the bottles you were using
Sento placed the driver in a small vault on the table beside him before Sento began to examine Y/n.

Sento:I can't speak on the more magical aspects of you, but by all biological means you should be dead.Tell me, do you know who I am.

Y/n's blank, downtrodden stare seemed to answer Sento's question for him.

Sento:My name is Sento Kiryu. I have a few questions for you.


Y/n thought on that name for a moment.Suddenly, centuries of knowledge flooded the young homunculus' brain until he found a number of memories regarding this man.

Sento:Tell me, are you doing all this on the orders of someone called Evolt?

For a brief moment, Y/n found himself in the desert where he had first met his master. Y/n looked to see Evol. The being in question had his back to Y/n. Y/n began to giggle to himself. Sento grabbed Y/n's shoulders and glared at him.

Sento:Did you know? Evolt left this planet nearly ten years ago now.

Y/n once again found himself in Evolt's desert.
The many mirrors which one stood throughout the desert each shattered on by one.

Evolt:So the truth comes out.

Sento:I made a great effort to make sure I would know if he ever came back. If there's someone controlling you

In response to Sento's more stern expression Y/n could only laugh. Growing annoyed Sento turned to exit the room only for Y/n to speak up.

Y/n:You once wielded Pandora's box...didn't you....

Sento:That's right.

Sento left the room and slammed the door shut behind him.Outside someone was waiting for him.

???:So how'd it go?

Sento:*sigh* I'm not sure Banjo

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Sento:*sigh* I'm not sure Banjo. All I can say for certain is...I never should have given away the panels in the first place.

Sento looked down at his hand which was shaking.

Sento:All of the bloodshed that has occurred. It's on my hands.

Banjo:Shut up.


Banjo:Someone else has pulling the strings here. There's gotta be.

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