Part 7:Downward Spiral

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It was a cloudy night. Outside of the massive tower that Y/n had created, the forces of the underworld made their base camp. A devil soldier entered a tent where Sirzechs along with the rest of the devil kings were working on plans of attack.

Sirzechs:What is it?

Soldier:Sir, the scouts have returned.

Sirzechs:Have they found an entrance? Teleporting into the tower has proven impossible.

Soldier: Yes sir it appears there is only a single entrance to the tower.

Serafall:The top of the tower doesn't appear to have a barrier why not try fly up?

Soldier: My lady, according to the reports every scout to got to close to the tower's top was killed instantly.

Ajuka:How is that possible!?

Soldier:According to their descriptions....."It appeared as if space tore open to swallow any who approached"

???:Every second we waste the stronger Y/n will become.

Everyone's attention was pulled to Sento who entered the tent accompanied by another human.

Sento:The longer he has the box the more power Y/n will be able to draw from it...until...

Ajuka:You don't think he really could do you?

Serafall:What are you talking about!? What could Y/n do!?

Sirzechs:Remake the world.


In another part of the camp, Rias and her peerage were in another large tent. There was a grim feeling in the air, their school uniforms had been swapped out for armor baring the Gremory family Sigil. Issei sheepishly stood up and spoke.

Issei:Uh, Prez do you think we're really going to be needed if the whole underworld's army is already here?

A few the peerage's younger members looked to Rias, they struggled to hide the fear they were feeling. Rias grabbed  Issei's shoulders reassuringly.

Rias:You all needn't worry. We've got the mighty red dragon emperor on our side, as well as my brother and the devil kings. They'll crush Y/n I'm sure. I'll go ask my brother how the preparations are going.

Rias stood up and exited the tent.After making sure she was far enough away Rias stopped. Tears seemed to fall from her eyes uncontrollably, Rias fell to her knees as her fragile resolve began to fall apart. Rias cried until suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder.
Rias looked up to see her queen looking down at her.

Rias:Akeno how did you!?

Akeno:It's alright Rias, I won't say anything to the others.


Atop Pandora's tower Y/n looked down the camp full of lights. Y/n cracked a smirk only for blood to spill out.

Y/n:This body isn't going to hold. Come try kill me already.

Y/n turned away from the tower's edge and approached Pandora's box which stood on a altar of sorts in the center of area atop the tower.

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