Epilogue:Mad No More

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The morning light shined through the gap left between the curtains waking a young man from his sleep.

Y/n: *Yawn*

Y/n stirred in his bed, turning from one side to the other. Y/n looked at the contents of his room happily, on the wall was a poster of the superhero Kamen Rider Build beside it was a large map of the world with red circles drawn everywhere Y/n had visited. A small battered Tv and games console sat in the corner with a number of games sprawled out on the floor next to it. The shelves that weren't filled with clothes had knickknacks and keeps sakes Y/n had taken over his 16 years of life.

???:Y/nnnn time to get up! You'll be late for school!


Y/n tiredly got out of bed. As he wiped the last of the morning grogginess from his eyes Y/n rooted around the clothes he had laid out, in the middle of Y/n's room was a small table. On that table Y/n had a set of clothes along with picture book of all the places Y/n had been.

Eventually, Y/n had dressed himself and exited his bedroom.

Eventually, Y/n had dressed himself and exited his bedroom

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Y/n yawned again as he walked down the hall. Framed photos of all sizes hung along the walls.

???:Well good morning to you.

Y/n smiled at the sight of the woman

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Y/n smiled at the sight of the woman. Trisha
L/n, a kind and caring woman and although her demeanour may not show it she has an unrivalled adventurous spirit.

Y/n:Good morning Mom.

Trisha:Your father already left, he's taking your brother and sister to school.

As he heard them mentioned Y/n could picture them. His dad Shiro L/n, a wise and strong man of impeccable character. His younger siblings Fuwa and Rin although annoying at times, both irreplaceable. The thought brought a smile to Y/n's face which his mother noticed.

Trisha:Well someone's in a good mood today.

Y/n:It's nothing, I was hoping to walk anyway.

Y/n gathered his things and set out to for school with a piece of toast in his mouth. The weather this morning was fair with a nice breeze.

As Y/n walked down the street he noticed a fallen flying alongside a devil both of whom seemed to be on the way to school. Y/n stopped by the local to shop to buy a pair of sweet buns for his lunch, the bakaneko who owned the shop as always tried to haggle Y/n into paying extra but Y/n once again managed to make his purchase without overpaying.

Y/n arrived at school earlier than expected. There was another young man was waiting for him at the gate.

 There was another young man was waiting for him at the gate

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Both boys smirked as Y/n tossed Issei a bun.


Both boys sat in class, Issei sitting behind him asked Y/n a question he had asked multiple times.

Issei:So why did you make the world like this again?

Y/n:....When I wanted Pandora's box it was like nothing else mattered. I never gave a thought to any of the billions who had no involvement in our fight. By stealing a better life for myself I robbed innocent people of theirs.

Y/n:And When I finally had it in my hands my mind raced with all the ways I could use it to horrible ends, to torment my enemies. Finally, I reached a conclusion I thought everyone would agree. A fair, better world. Where everyone could live happily. The supernatural and the normal could live side by side.

Issei:Then why let me and the rest of the ORC keep our memories?

Y/n: I wanted you all to remember, so we could agree to put it all behind us.

Issei smiled as he took a bite out of the bun Y/n had bought for him.

Issei:Well I'll gladly forgive you.

Y/n:Soon enough the memories of the old world will fade and we'll forget about it. Pandora's box is long gone too.

Issei: mm? *munch* how'd you do that?

Y/n:It cost me the most of my power, but I dissembled the box and made its power a part of this world.

Issei: *smirks* Which means you're no match for me and Ddraig.

Y/n: *smirks* If you want a rematch then bring it on.


Both boys stood in the school yard with a flash Issei donned his balance breaker. In response Y/n inserted two bottles into his new driver. A small crowd had gathered to watch.


Both boys moved forward with a smile on their faces as their fists met

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Both boys moved forward with a smile on their faces as their fists met.

The once mad human was mad no more.

A/n:Thank you for all of you patience and genuinely from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all for reading.

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