Chap 10 pt 2, Bad luck follows

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" Oh Louis...?" 

    I wonder why he's just standing there. Did something happen in the club? " Is everything okay Louis, you look angry did something happen?" Saying nothing, he only steps closer to me, his eyes never leaving mine. " Why didn't you show up to the club, why are you out here with him, what were you two doing?" He's so angry, but why I didn't do anything? " Louis just calm down, you look like you are about to hit someone." I try to make my way up to him, but Legoshi tugs on my arm and pulls me back. " What the..Legoshi, what's going on??" Seriously am I missing something because both of them are acting up. Legoshi doesn't even respond; he's just looking at Louis as if Louis has wronged him in some way. " We're leaving Y/n." Legoshi takes my hand and starts to drag me away, but Louis comes right up to us and takes my other hand and I'm immediately met with such a strong scent of cologne. " Louis, why do you have so much cologne on, it's suffocating??"  As I point this out Louis drops my hand and moves away from me. His eyes no longer angry, but now he held a look of like he was just caught. " Louis seriously what the hell is going on?? You're acting like you've seen a ghost of something. Come on, talk to me." I try to put my hands on Louis' shoulders, but he only jerks away from me. A part of my heart broke. He pulled away from me so fast as if he was scared of me.

    " Louis? What has gotten into you, you're acting like you're afraid of me??" I again try to reach out to him and again he pulls away from me. He's not even looking at me anymore. " What the hell Louis, just a few days ago we couldn't keep our hands off each other and now you can't even look at me." Here we go again. I can already feel my eyes begin to water. God I never realized what a crybaby I was, but if I'm being completely honest I have every right to cry right now. " What changed Louis? Do you not like me anymore? Is me being a carnivore finally disgusting you?! Or was all you wanted sex from me just so you can have that experience and now your done with me?!?" Silence... The worst answer he could've ever given. Because it neither confirms or denies if what I'm saying is actually what he's thinking. He still couldn't bring himself to look at me. He only allowed himself to look at the floor as if that was more important. His eyes looked bored and his face was tense. " So that's it you have nothing to say? You can't even give me that peace of mind?" When I said that it was only when he looked at me. He wanted to say something I could tell, but he only let out a sigh and nothing else. Walking away he looked back once and his eyes held regret. I didn't call for him. I didn't go chase after him, I just watched as he walked away from me and every step he took all the memories I had of him I was remembering until he turned the corner and I was back in reality. I stood there quietly. I wasn't crying because I had no tears left to shed. For him at least. With all that happened I failed to notice that Legoshi was still here. I turned to him and he looked me in my eyes and I looked in his. He did speak, he didn't move, but he held his arms open and my legs started to move on their own and I made my way towards him. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my back to comfort me, he cooed soft apologies in my ear and I only buried my face in his chest taking in his scent. Here he was saying sorry to me when he did nothing wrong. And we stayed hugging, neither of us wanting to be the first ones to leave.

( Time skip a few weeks later! A breakup so soon who could have seen it coming oh wait I sure did cause I totally got my heartbroken hahaha Single tings am i right ladies at gentlemen :) )


    Days were slow, things seemed to go back to normal. If normal even exists anymore here at this school. I'd spend my days in my classes and just wait for the bells to ring, finding no real meaning in actually making an effort with my work. I of course didn't really need to worry about my grades because I didn't find any of it hard to begin with so I was just going with the flow. In the weeks that went by in my math class and the drama club, Bill always made an attempt to apologize even if he knew I wasn't really paying attention to him. He'd walk with me to classes and say he was sorry and that he really misses me, but in those few instances Legoshi would always come and shoo him away. For the most part I've been hanging out with Legoshi. He's the only one who seems to want to be in my company. On a few occasions I've tried to talk or hangout with Haru, but each time she either couldn't make it or she had to cancel. She says a lot of work has needed to be done regarding the gardening club so I can't blame her for being busy. And then there's Louis. No words are spoken but I can constantly feel his stare on me and I do a damn good job ignoring him. He only speaks to me when it has to do with the club, but I only give him short responses and leave as quickly as I can. Legoshi try's his best to take my mind off things and his efforts work most of the time. I find myself laughing more in his presence and feeling at peace.

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