Chap 5, Getting acquainted with the Red Deer

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( I just wanna say I'm so sorry for the lateness. There is no excuse for it, all I can say is life got a bit in the way, but I promise to do better in the future 😅 . So without further explanation, I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

               Waiting in front of the president's door I debate whether I should knock or just go in. " I wouldn't want to be rude." Making up my mind I knocked three times against the door, taking a step back and waiting for a response. Listening I hear a small 'come in' and I enter the room not making eye contact just yet with the deer. I look around the room a bit and take in the simplicity of it. A few posters here and there, but nothing that gives the room a wow factor. For a boy who is considered the popular one, he doesn't have much taste. Taking my attention away from the walls I finally look at Louis and wait for him to speak. " I take it your Y/n?" Nodding I took a seat and answered him with a quick yes. " I was notified about you by another member of our club and I decided I would look into you more. I want to know if you'd make a good addition to the team, understand?"

" Yes sir, I understand." Jeez, this guy is serious, he needs to loosen up. " So with that being said, tell me a little about yourself. What are some things that you can do to showcase the drama club in a good light?" ....Shiiitttt what am I good at?? " With all due respect sir I'm not sure what I can bring to the club, I've been homeschooled up until I joined the school and I can honestly say there isn't anything special about me." Wow, I never realized how uninteresting I am now that I think about it. Feeling slightly ashamed, my ears lower clearly showing the deer in front of me that I'm having a little crisis going on in my head. " Come now don't say that I'm sure you're capable of bringing in a certain spark to the club you just first have to believe you can. Tell me if you can't think of anything you're good at, what are your hobbies? Maybe said hobbies will catch my attention." Louis said, giving me a smile of reassurance. Dang, this guy is cool he makes me feel less of a loser. " Well, when I was being homeschooled my grandpa would often take me out of my studies and take me to his factory where all the flowers were being held. He and I would get all kinds of flowers and we'd compete and see who'd make better flower arrangements, in a way I guess I'm pretty good at decorating since I won every time hehe." Smiling at the memories I continue." " Embarrassing as it is, I often sing when no one is around, but I'm willing to give it a shot on stage," I said excitedly. If I wanna do good I first gotta get out of my comfort zone, This'll sure be interesting. " Singing and decorating you say? Hmm.... I'm sure I can figure something out. Now for the question at hand..... I ask you, are you ready to join this club and it's many mysteries?" Holding out a hand Louis waits for me to take it. Without hesitation I took it, shaking his hand so hard you'd think it'd fall off. " Oh Louis you won't regret it, I promise to work hard I won't let you down!" Noticing the discomfort building up in his eyes I let go quickly. " I'm so so sorry I didn't realize how strong I was shaking."

Stepping back I nervously start brushing out the non existent wrinkles on his uniform. " Don't worry, I admire your enthusiasm to join the club, it makes me glad." Taking a seat back at his desk I also returned to my seat. " Now that we got the hard stuff out of the way I want to be able to get to know you better. I want to learn more about you Y/n, believe it or not, you very much interest me." Does he want to know about me? Don't mean to sound like a cliche girl in a movie or something, but why on earth would he wanna get to know me? He and I were totally on different spectrums, but........ I wouldn't mind being his friend. It sounds kinda nice. " Alright, what is it you wanna know about me?" Sitting straight in his chair he speaks. " I wanna know the Y/n before she came to Cherryton, What you were like outside of school, earlier you said there wasn't much interesting about you, but I like to disagree. You seem to be a young woman who has so much potential but also has many secrets. I'd like to know everything about you." Everything!? Who does this guy think he is? We've only just formally met like a few minutes ago and he already wants to know my life story the hell!?! Well least he was honest I'll give him that. " I'm not sure I could tell you everything right now, but maybe in the future when we're more acquainted with each other I'd feel more comfortable. Other than that I'd be happy to tell you some things about me." Hope he didn't take offense to that. " I understand, I was asking for a lot so I apologize if I may have overwhelmed you." Taking in a sigh of relief I began to tell the deer in front of me certain things about my life before I joined the school. Going way back I told him a bit about my childhood and how my dad died when I was young and that my grandpa took me in and that I've been living with him ever since. I told him a few things I would do at my home, mostly being involved with flowers since well you know and how sometimes I turn into a complete clean freak at times hehe, but I also tell him that I can be shy when I get into situations I'm not comfortable with, how I get paranoid over silly things. How I'm a sucker for romance movies. All the stuff I can think of off the top of my head I tell him.

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