Chap 1, The beginning

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 The bright lights are something I can't ever forget. How the beeping machines echo around the room as my Grandfather and I stood around my father's hospital bed. My father's hand slowly tried to reach mine, using all his strength to muster enough words to speak. " Y/n m-my darling daughter y-you must be strong for m-me alright, I love you so mu-". He couldn't finish his sentence as a loud and long beep came from his monitors and doctors came rushing in surrounding him. My grandfather and I were rushed out and my grandfather told me not to look back, but curiosity got the best of me and I turned around. What I saw were my father's lifeless eyes staring back at me and at that moment I screamed for him. " Dad! Daddy! Please don't leave me! Dad! Dad!"

" Dad please don't go!" beep! beep! beep! beep! beep! My eyes open wide from the sound of my alarm, sitting up from my bed I go to turn it off. " Just a dream Y/n. It was only just a dream" I say to myself as I look out the window watching the many animals go about their mornings. Sighing I go and get dressed, today is my first day at Cherryton Academy, and to say the least, I'm not too excited about it. I look in the mirror to see if I'm presentable enough, this is a privileged school to some so I best look respectable in front of the principal. I'm not the most beautiful looking wolf in my opinion, but I think I look decent. My fur is slightly darker than most and my eyes I get from my father are only yellow some would say even honey-colored.

Finally moving away from the mirror I leave my room and head downstairs only to see my grandpa setting the table I go over and give him a peck on the cheek. " Morning grandpa, how'd you sleep?" We both take a seat and he replies. " I slept very well thank you Y/n." He smiled and took a sip of his coffee and continued. " What I want to know is how did you sleep? Are you excited to start your first day?" I only groaned as a response there was no way I was happy about this. He chuckled at my reaction "You'll get over it soon Y/n, going to school will be good for you trust me you might even make friends on your first day." I spoke, " But grandpa I do have friends." He rolled his eyes and laughed " I can't be your only friend dear you have to have friends your age, friends who you'll be able to gossip with like uhh boys a-and drama! That's what teens do right??"

I cringed from this and ate some of my breakfast. " Grandpa that still doesn't change the fact I still don't want to go." He sighed dramatically and fake cried and continued with "Come now Y/n I'm not getting any younger I want me some grandbabies and that's not going to happen if you're cooped up here in this house!" I coughed on my eggs and looked up at him, my face red from embarrassment. " Grandpa! I'm 17! Don't say such embarrassing things like that!" I cover my face with my hands not wanting to embarrass myself more. " Why not child? Back in the day 17 was the age to get married and start a family. What is it? Are you not into wolves because that's fine any species is alright carnivore, omnivore, herbivore doesn't matter they must only respect you. O-or are you more interested in females because that fine to dear I will support you no matter what. " GRANPA!" How did this topic even come up?? First, we were talking about school now we're talking about this. What a morning this turned out to be.

" Look grandpa I love you very much, but I'm not ready for all of this. I'm willing to give this school a chance and I will, I promise, but I'm not sure about finding someone that quickly." My grandfather looks at me and sighs. " You're right Y/n I'm sorry if I was a bit too excited." He smiled. " I just want what's best for you and for you to be happy that's all, but I should also consider your feelings. I may not be your father, but I try my best to be a stand-in." I smile and take his hand in mine. " And you've done an amazing job at it. Now how about we finish this breakfast so you can drop me off at school, yeah? I'm sure all my stuff is already there." He looks up and grins. "Yeah let's do that."

(damn that was a long breakfast, let's make the drive there short hehe. Time skip)

"Welp there is no going back now," I say to myself as I stand in front of the school. Time to find the principal's office I think to myself. " Shit, where is it even at?? This school is huge, it'll take forever to find ughh." I look around for any sign of help when I see some students walking by. Well here goes nothing. I start making my way towards them. " Um h-hello, do you mind pointing me in the direction to the principal? I'm new and I'm not sure where to go." These students both being herbivores looked up at me in fear I wonder why though one began to speak. " H-he's in the main b-building, go straight and t-take a left. Please don't eat us!!" they both run off " E-eat them??" The hell was that all about. I start walking, pondering what those students meant, eventually I make it to this guy's office and I knock on the door waiting for a response when I hear a 'come in' from the other side. I walk in.

"Ah you must be Y/n please take a seat. Welcome to Cherryton Academy, as you can see I am the principal of this fine school and want to be the first to say that we are thrilled to have you here." said the tiger who I've come to know his name as Gon with a big smile on his face. He continued. " Now I know that you're joining the school a bit late, but I'm sure you'll be able to catch up just fine." I nodded for him to keep going.

" Today you won't be starting classes so that you'll have time to settle in your dorm, sadly we don't have any students to pair you with so you'll have the room to yourself. Your housemother will have your uniforms and I'll give you your schedule for tomorrow." I stand and bow in respect. " Thank you, sir, I will do my best to catch up and keep up. I'll also do my best not to cause any inconvenience to you." " Thank you Y/n, I hope you enjoy your time here and make many fond memories. You are dismissed."

I make my way out of the office and back into the hallway. I look at the map I was given and go straight to my dorm. I greet the housemother and she gives me my uniforms and key for my room. Once in I place all my things on my bed and take a seat on the soft cushions and look out the window.

" This is the beginning of a new life."

Thank you for reading my fanfic. It means a lot ^^. Updates will vary depending on how busy I am, but I'll try my best not to lag on this. More is to come!!!

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