Chap 2, Underneath the mask

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                 "Ughhhhhhh I'm up, I'm up. God, I need to get a less annoying alarm." I had a hard time falling asleep last night. This new room was nothing like home, but I eventually drifted off to sleep. " Okay let's see what my first class of the day is." Looking around the room for my schedule I start to put on this uniform and I already don't like it. I've never been in a skirt so that'll take some getting used to. I look around some more and find my schedule. " Now let's see. First period, first per- Ah man are you kidding me, I have math. Greeeaaaattttt." I sigh and gather my belongings making sure I have everything I need before I head out. Closing the door and locking it I take out my map and make my way to my destination. Walking down the halls I can already feel the stares of the animals around me, some whispering amongst themselves. I must really look like the new student. Do I have something on my face I think to myself? Just as I'm about to turn the corner I notice something down the hall. A memorial of the sorts, has a student passed? As I get closer I hear a couple of students talk to one another. " Poor Tem, he didn't deserve this. The carnivore that did this will be brought to justice!" I stop in my tracks. A carnivore did this?! It can't be, this can't be happening. The first day here and I find out there's been a murder, what kind of school is this?!

Looking closer I notice a student who seems to be paying their respects. A grey wolf? It's a boy too, maybe he was friends with that Tem fellow? He seems to be lost in thought. Looking at the clock I make up my mind and make my way towards the memorial. The least I can do is also pay my respects, I may have not known Tem, but I feel for him. He died so young and never truly got to look forward to his future. Standing next to the wolf I take a seat and bow, I have no flowers to give so the best I can give are my prayers and hope that whoever did do this is caught. In my moment of silence, I can feel the stare from the wolf next to me, he's probably wondering who the hell I am. Usually getting stared at I'd be uncomfortable by now, but this wolf had me strangely feeling at ease. Just as I was about to leave and head to class the wolf next to me was about to speak when cheers suddenly erupted from the crowd. " What on earth?" I whisper to myself. Then as my thoughts continue a deer emerges from the crowd of students flowers in hand and making his way towards the other wolf and I. Taking in the deer's features, if I didn't know any better I'd think he was one of the teachers. He seems so mature for his age, but I sense there is more to it. He's quite handsome actually. Woah Woah Woah what on earth am I thinking? Shaking my head I stand and start to leave, the male wolf taking one last glance at me.

Bum!Bum!Bum!Bum!Dum!Dum!Dum!Dum! The bell rings its little jingle

" Shoot how long I was there!" I can't be late on my first day. Taking a quick look at the map I bolt towards the classroom. I take a deep breath and open the door and inside are students already in the seats chatting away when all eyes are on me. " Fuuuuccccck." I curse to myself. The elephant who I presume is the teacher who looks up from his desk and offers me a smile. " You must be my new student, Y/n was it? I look forward to having you in my class. Though I trust you won't be as late." My teacher spoke with a chuckle. " Of course not sir, i-it won't happen again I assure you." "Good, now why don't you come up and introduce yourself to the class and then we can begin our lesson." I make my way in front of the whole class and clear my throat. God, what should I say it looks so much easier on Tv. " U-um my name is Y/n, Y/n Blossm and I hope you all accept me and that we all can get along." I bow hoping that was good enough.

" Very good Y/n you may take a seat next to Bill. Bill, please raise your hand." I look around the room when I see a tiger raising his hand and waving. Making my way up the small set of stairs I take my seat next to this Bill guy and the teacher begins his lesson. Taking out a notebook, I start taking notes. I can't miss any of this if I wanna catch up I think to myself. Out of nowhere, I feel a tap on my shoulder from the tiger next to me. " If the work gets too overwhelming I'll be more than happy to help out I may not be a genius, but I sure can do Trigonometry like it's nothing hehe." The tiger smiles proudly as if it was a great accomplishment. Feeling touched by his small gesture, I smile back and give him a nod. Maybe school isn't that bad. Maybe I can make some friends here. I smile to myself and continue with my notes.

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