Sneak peak Chap 11

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Griffin Blossom Pov

    " Please do whatever you can to help her calm down. I'd appreciate it so much." Giving the maids instructions I shut the door to Y/n's room and start making my way down the hall. "How can I let this happen to her, if I had just listened to her and not sent her to that damn school she'd be alright."  I'm not usually a man who goes back on his word, but I deeply regret what I've done. I never would have imagined she'd get in this condition. Settling down in the living room I sink into the sofa and let out a sigh and my muscles relax. Though it's short lived by the sudden feeling of eyes staring at me. Looking around my gaze falls on Legoshi sitting like a statue across from me on the second sofa. Standing up I make my way towards him. Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt I let my temper loose. " Did you know all this was going on?! Why didn't you inform the school, how come you didn't do anything to protect her if you're her so-called friend!?" This boy probably knew this was going on yet he chose not to say anything. " I didn't know what to do s-sir, I didn't want to stress Y/n out anymore. She cares about you so much she doesn't want you to worry about her. I'm so sorry I let this happen!" Taking a moment and realizing what I'm doing I released my grip from his shirt and I let him take a seat. What am I doing, he's only just a kid and I'm blaming him for not stepping up. He's not Y/n responsibility she's mine and I alone let this happen. " I'm sorry Legoshi, I didn't mean to be angry with you. You're not the one at fault here." Sitting down next to the boy I put my hand on his shoulder. " But I do want you to tell me everything that has happened so I can figure out the best course of action to help my granddaughter. Y/n is a very sensitive girl and I just want her to feel that she is cared for. Don't you want that for her as well?"

Hey guys!! I know it has been a long time since I have updated but I am still here! I really wanted to work on myself and make some changes. And now that I've started college i just haven't had time to get to writing but I want to let you all know that Chapter 11 is in the works and will be done as soon as possible.  On another note thank you all so much for 15k+ reads like whaaaaaaat that is so amazing. I appreciate you guys being patient I really am doing a lot better so thank you guys again.  With that being said keep and eye open for chapter 11 and have a wonderful day/night

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