Chap 4, Making friends and strange feelings

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          " That day, I saw you." The wolf said waiting for my response. Looking up at him I start to sweat. There is no way he saw me that day. I was too far. Maybe he smelled me?? " You saw me? I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean." Slightly panicking I try to come up with an excuse. " I-I think you saw someone else." " No, I know it was you. I was paying respects to my friend and y-you came up next to me and did the same." wait what? He's talking about that! What about that night?!? " Okay, what about it? Actually um I don't even know your name." This whole time I've known this wolf I don't even know his name same with that rabbit. " Oh, I'm sorry m-my name's Legoshi um what's yours?" " My name's Y/n it's nice to meet you Legoshi."

Holding my hand out I wait for the wolf to take mine in his. " It's nice to meet Y/n." Shaking hands and now becoming acquaintances I let him continue. " When you came up to me and started to pray for Tem, It made me glad that even though you were the new girl that you had enough compassion to give your respects to a student you didn't even know," Legoshi said looking down at me with a small smile. " I felt sorry for him. He had all these flowers and gifts, I thought he deserved more so I had nothing better to give than my time." Thinking back on that day he and I were not the only ones there, that deer also came. " H-hey Legoshi, who was that deer that came with flowers that day a-also he was in the cafeteria giving some kind of talk to a few students?" That deer seems to have some sort of hold on the school. Maybe Legoshi can answer my questions. " Oh that's Louis he's pretty much the start of the school." Bingo. " He's also the Drama club's president. Everyone loves him, especially the girls." I feel as though there's more to this deer's I mean Louis's story. Maybe he has some sort of secret?

" He's the president? How funny my friend recommended the drama club to me. He said that it would be a great way to make more friends hehe." Being open with the wolf I tell him I'm interested in joining and his response surprises me. " Well, actually I'm in the drama club too. I'm part of the stagehand, I-I think you should join if given the chance. It's a great place and I-I'd like to talk to you more." With him saying that we both look away our faces tinted with a light shade of pink. " I-if you wanna talk more maybe we could hang out." Starting to walk I motion for the wolf to follow, and we both walk down the halls continuing to talk mostly about random things. " Y/n I know it's not my place to ask, but how come you joined the school late?" I guess if we're gonna be friends he deserves to know. Just not everything. " Well, when my dad...... died my grandpa took me in because my mother didn't want me and I was homeschooled by him all up until now. I was too afraid to leave the safety of his home. I never wanted to leave his side." I say opening up a bit. " My grandfather thought it would be a good idea that I go to school, he said I'm missing experiences teenagers my age should be having." Somehow making it outside we both take a seat on a bench and Legoshi speaks.

" I'm sorry for your loss, I lost m-my mother, I know how hard it is to lose a parent." Glancing over at him I say. " Was it just you and your dad then?" Turning to me he says that he never knew his father and that he stayed with his grandpa for a bit before he moved into the dorms. " Are your grandpa and you close?" I ask and as a response, he gives me a quiet no as if he was lost in thought and right when I'm about to ask another question someone calls my name taking our attention away from each other. " Oh hey, Bill what's up is everything ok?" Standing up I walk up to him and wait for him to continue " Yeah everything is okay, but remember how I said I'd mention you to the president. Well, he said that he'd meet with you and see if you're fit for the team, isn't that great!" Bill says excitedly. " Oh Bill that's great, do you know when he wants to spea-" " Well well well Legoshi I never knew that you knew my Y/n, Don't go taking her away from me hehe." Bill says interrupting me, swinging his arms around both our necks. " As I was saying to Bill, when does the president want to talk?" Lightly pushing Bill off me, the bell rings. I look at the time and flip out " Holy crap we're all gonna be late if we don't move our asses! Bill Just text me later for the time I'll go when I have time! Bye guys see ya later!

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