Chap 11, A Grandpa's Love

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Griffin Blossom Pov

    " Please do whatever you can to help her calm down. I'd appreciate it so much." Giving the maids instructions I shut the door to Y/n's room and start making my way down the hall. "How can I let this happen to her, if I had just listened to her and not sent her to that damn school she'd be alright."  I'm not usually a man who'd go back on his word, but I deeply regret what I've done. I never would have imagined she'd get in this condition. Settling down in the living room I sink into the sofa and let out a sigh and my muscles relax. Though it's short lived by the sudden feeling of eyes staring at me. Looking around my gaze falls on Legoshi sitting like a statue across from me on the second sofa. Standing up I make my way towards him. Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt I let my temper loose. " Did you know all this was going on?! Why didn't you inform the school, how come you didn't do anything to protect her if you're her so-called friend!?" This boy probably knew this was going on yet he chose not to say anything. " I didn't know what to do s-sir, I didn't want to stress Y/n out anymore. She cares about you so much she doesn't want you to worry about her. I'm so sorry I let this happen!" Taking a moment and realizing what I'm doing I released my grip from his shirt and I let him take a seat. What am I doing, he's only just a kid and I'm blaming him for not stepping up. He's not responsible for Y/n, I am and I alone let this happen. " I'm sorry Legoshi, I didn't mean to snap at you. You're not the one at fault here." Sitting down next to the boy I put my hand on his shoulder. " But I do want you to tell me everything that has happened so I can figure out the best course of action to help my granddaughter. Y/n is a very sensitive girl and I just want her to feel that she is cared for. Don't you want that for her as well?"

Y/n Pov

Have you ever had those moments where time stops for you? When your body gets tense and your muscles tingle and it feels like a hundred needles are poking your body? And after having said moment you sit in your room talking to yourself in your head desperately trying to comprehend life. " Miss, are you alright? Please let us in, your grandpa wants us to help you. Miss?" For the past ten minutes the maids have tried to convince me to let them in, but I have no motivation to move from my bed. " Please just go away. You can't help me,  just leave me be." Today was supposed to be a fun day. I was going to spend time with my grandpa and Legoshi and forget all my problems, but it's like I couldn't escape. Just then I hear more knocking and again I send whoever it is away. " Go away!" The knocking stops and I hear footsteps walk away. Finally they stopped. Suddenly the footsteps come back. The difference is they seem to be louder and quicker, almost like running. All of a sudden my door busts open and a large mass comes through. " What the!!! Legoshi?!?!" As what's left of my door hangs by the hinges and Legoshi shakes off the bits of wood off his shirt I am just left in awe. He really just rammed his way through my door and now I don't have a door. In shock I can't make out any words. It's like the shock I just went through today is now overrun by the shock I am feeling right now. " Hey sorry about that. I know you said to leave, but now is not the time where you should be alone, you need to be able to talk to someone." Walking closer to me he brings a tissue to my face and starts to wipe the tears that I had not realized were running down my face. I guess pain gets to a point where you don't even notice how your body is reacting. " It's alright Y/n, you can cry I'm not going to see you any different." My body begins to tremble and my fists clench, I look down at my feet and allow my vision to go completely blurry with my tears and a single long sob escapes my throat. " I don't understand why my life has come to this. I lost my dad, my mom abandoned me, I'm not the same wolf I was after the Black Market. I got into a complicated relationship that ended badly, like what did I do to deserve all this?!" Legoshi pulls me closer to him and embraces me, my tears soaking his shirt. " Shhh I know Y/n I know, everything will be okay. Life has so many possibilities and it may seem very hard at times. You feel the world is against you, but think about it like this, the harder your life is right now the easier it'll be in the future. You Y/n are destined for great things and it will come in due time you just have to wait. Good things come to those who wait." I just hugged him. Everything that he said I took to heart and it calmed me. Maybe Legoshi is right, maybe in the future my life will take a turn for the better.

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