Chap 8, A new Hunger

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My heart raced at the thought of you that day. The way you looked at me, how your fingers ran across my fur gently inviting me to your embrace. How you caught me off guard pushing your lips to mine stealing my first kiss. How you eagerly asked to kiss me again, hunger lacing your voice. I was not used to this. I was inexperienced to understand what was going on. Oh Louis, how I felt all the emotion from that one kiss run through my body it was a crazy experience, to say the least. As much as I want to act as if that moment never happened I relive it every second. Every time I close my eyes I see you there, your eyes telling me so much more than what you let on. How I wish I could understand what I'm feeling.

"Y/n is everything alright?" As if a spell over me was being broken Legoshi's voice brought me back into reality. " Huh? What? Oh um yeah I'm fine, sorry about that I just got lost in thought." Legoshi and I were walking down the halls heading to the club room. Ever since that night Legoshi found out what Louis did he has been sticking close to me. Although I try to explain that nothing really happened even though something did he seems to know that I'm lying. " Anyways Legoshi do you know what we'll be doing today in the club?" Just as he was about to answer we both hear some commotion going on ahead of us and we notice a couple of students who seem to be confronting another. " What is going on over there?" Looking at each other with confused looks we both decide to check out what is going on. As we get closer we notice that two of the students were harassing a female student a gray wolf at that. Should we intervene? What do we even say? Last time I stood up to rude students I got my ass beat. God, what should we do? " Hey, Legoshi should we help that girl out?" The wolf next to me shrugs his shoulders and looks just as confused as me. " I'm not sure how we should approach the situation." Getting hard into thought Legoshi tries to come up with a plan. Me, I start to make my way towards the small group coming up with a plan along the way. I'll just say that the girl is one of my friends and that they should leave her alone. Yeah, that sounds good. Legoshi now noticing that I left his side rushes to my side his body clearly showing that he is nervous. " Hey! Leave her alone, what makes you think you can just harass someone when you don't even know them." I say to the two bullies, one turning in my direction he comes up close to me putting his face up to me. " Oh yeah, and who the hell are you. I bet you don't even know this wolf." Right when I was going to give my excuse Legoshi decides to butt in and give his input. " She is my little sister." Quickly snapping my neck to look at the wolf next to me I start to panic just a bit. Legoshi what are you thinking?!? She looks nothing like you, those boys are gonna call your bullshit!! And just as I was thinking that Legoshi now realizes his mistake and slight panic starts to show through his eyes. " You're lying you two look nothing alike." Shit, shit, shit how do we fix this?? I got it. " It's true I'm her friend and she looks like their mother and he looks like their father."

Phew, that was a close call hopefully they bought it. Even though they still looked suspicious of us judging by their reaction they believed what we said and started walking away. With a sigh of relief coming from me and Legoshi we move our attention to the smaller wolf and check to see if she is ok. " Hey um were sorry about lying back there we honestly couldn't think of anything else to do hehe." The girl only nods no words come from her. Legoshi decides to get down to the girl's level and try to reassure her that she'll get used to this happening after a while. Crouching down to meet the girl's gaze I now notice that she has been crying causing my eyes to widen. This poor girl must really be going through it. " This is something I have to get used to? I get so frustrated I can't help myself. This is wrong they can't do this!" Putting a hand on the wolf's shoulder I give it a light pat. " Well in a way it's good you feel like that, feeling that emotion will help you push through rough times." Giving her a reassuring smile I tell her that things will start to look up for her. She just needs to wait for the right moment. " Anyways we're glad we were able to help you out, Y/n we should start going, we don't want to be late." Standing up I wave goodbye to the girl and start to walk away with Legoshi only for the girl to call us back. " Wait, you both are from the art department, right? I just joined the drama club and my name is Juno." Oh shit, she's from the club. " Oh my god, we're so sorry we didn't realize." My god did I not meet her? She just joined so I think I'm fine. " Oh no it's fine, I am part of the actor's team. When I joined, Sheila mentioned that there was a very kind gray male wolf who is a sophomore and I'm glad to see that she was right." Looking at Juno I noticed after she said that a light blush appears on her cheeks. Bruh she can't be serious. " And s-since we're both wolves, maybe we don't have to be so formal." I'm literally here too, was I not the one to step in to help first? Here I was being nice and now she is making goo-goo eyes at Legoshi. I'm sensing an unneeded battle coming and it's gonna be a rocky ride. Hopefully, she stays nice and won't cause any drama cause that's the last thing I need.

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