Vinsmoke Ichiji x [F] Reader ❤️ Living Statue

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I wake to a cold shiver, pull the blankets up to cover my head. The only part of me sticking out was my nose. Why is it so cold tonight? I hear footsteps, Dad must be up still. How can he be up when it's freezing! I curl into a ball, go back to sleep.

Wake to more footsteps? What's Dad doing up still? The footsteps stop, I lift the blankets a bit. So I can peck out. Why's Dad in my room? I blink a few times, that's not Dad. There's a stranger in my room! If I keep quiet maybe they'll leave. They stop, turn to me. Did they see me?! Stay still, don't move, don't move!

They start walking over to the bed, don't make a sound. "I know you're awake."

Fuck! "You make one sound, I'll kill your family. Do you understand?"

I nod, next thing I know the blankets are rip off of me. I'm blasted with cold air. As I look up, the moonlight pierces through the window. I can see red hair... No... It can't be him... I crawl backwards on the bed.

He grabs my ankle pulls me down. He glares at me, "not one sound."

I cover my mouth, tears start to stream down my cheeks. He gets close to my face, his glare intensifies. I feel a prick on my neck, he grins. Ohh noooooo.

- Timeskip to Unknown Time -

I feel so groggy, my head so heavy. My eyes... I try to open my eyes when I finally open them. There he was... Prince Ichiji... He's grinning down at me.

"You're finally awake," his face drops. "Took your time."

I sit up, look down where are my pyjamas? Why am I wearing a white dress? I look up at Prince Ichiji.

"Not a sound," I nod. "Get up!"

I quickly stand up, my head feels dizzy.

"Follow me," he starts walking. I quickly run catch up to him. He opens a door, opens up to an enormous room.

"Hurry up," he turns to me. I run over to him, "don't run in my room."

I stop walk over to him. "See that pedestal," I look at it. "You'll be sitting there from now on."

I sit, why am I sitting on a pedestal? "You look confused... I guess I have to explain it to you... This is your pedestal, you'll be sitting here every day."

What?! Every day?! He starts laughing, take my chin in his fingers. "If only you could keep that expression on your face every minute of the day." He flicks my head away, "it's easy. You sit there every day, like a statue and you get to live. Make one sound, move one bit, and I'll kill you." He looks at me with a sickly grin. "Sit up straight, hold your hands place them in your lap, cross your ankles."

I do as he says, he looks at me. "Close your eyes, I doubt you'll be able to keep your eyes open if someone comes into the room." I close my eyes, I can feel him looking me over. "You either need to stop breathing or slow down your breathing."

What? How am I supposed to do that?!

"Another thing, no facial expressions. I don't want you smiling, making faces or anything. You are to be expressionless, do you understand?" I nod, "right. If anyone comes in not a sound. You are a statue," I hear him walk away and a door closes.

I... I... I don't know what to think. I was taken, to sit here and be a statue? Why me? Why couldn't he just get a statue? He took me away from my home, my family for what? To be his personal statue? My family... Mum, Dad, little sister... I sit there and cry. I miss them already.


I've been sitting here for hours, crying, thinking about my family. Prince Ichiji had hours to do what he wanted. What if he killed them? The Vinsmoke are known not to be the nicest family. They kill anyone they please.

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